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Showing posts from April, 2007
GOT TROUBLES? by Maxine M. We read of tragedies in the paper, see them on tv every day We're shocked and saddened, but soon just go on our way We may send a comforting message, really not knowing what to say But then!! As is inevitable, a crisis strikes us or our loved one In panic we ask "why"? Who can help? What can be done? Now there's no putting it out of mind, there's no place to run When YOU get the call in the middle of the night When YOUR doctor says "I'm sorry, this report shows something is not right" When YOUR job is lost, it was Your house that burned...what a fright Then trouble becomes personal, there's no room for apathy Our desire is..Of this pain, sorrow, grief... to be set free! But, knowing WHERE to turn, that's the vital key Counselors, doctors, and medicine can only help to a certain degree Support from friends & family is wonderful we all agree But when all is "said and done"; Dear Lord, it's just You a...
Mother's Day by: Maxine M. (this is cute) Our first parents lived in a paradise of ease Their original days were without toil, doing as they pleased Enjoying God's garden of bountiful, fruitful trees There was nothing to fear, as all the animals were tame As they came one by one for Adam to name The perfect marriage, there was no one else to blame The ideal life, but one thing they both never knew Was the loving touch of a Mother, as not from childhood they grew Of that special bond from child to Mother, they had no clue A Mother hadn't warned, "Don't talk to that snake" "He's not what he seems, he's a phony and a fake" "If you listen to him, it will bring sorrow and heartache" So Eve raised her children without Mother's advice Labor pains and discomfort were disobedience's price A Mother certainly would have made her think twice When the question "why do it this way?" came around She couldn't reply, "It...
WHAT DID JESUS SEE? by Maxine M. The world saw Peter as an unlearned fisherman, nothing special at all Simply mending his nets, hoping today would yield a big haul BUT what did Jesus see? He saw the one whom He'd call "The Rock" The one to found His Church, the leader of His flock The world saw Levi as a dreaded tax collector Lowest of the low, a traitor, considered a Roman defector BUT what did Jesus see? He saw him as Matthew with a loyal heart, faithful and true Knew he would be useful in the ministry he was to do The world saw the Pharisees as superior, righteous, ceremoniously clean Loving to stand in public, praying just to be seen BUT what did Jesus see? He saw them as hypocrites, fools, blind guides Saw them as well-polished tombs, but inside rottenness hides The world saw Saul as an enthusiastic, young Pharisee filled with zeal Persecuting new Christians, their newly found joy to steal BUT what did Jesus see? He saw him as Paul, a specially chosen vessel, a sinne...
Opportunity Watch for opporunities... The World looks for Christians to set a Godly example And the opportunities that come are more than ample Life provides "teachable moments", but how many underfoot do we trample? Opportunity lost... "Dad, let's go fishing", the young boy said with a smile What he really was saying was "Let's hang out and talk awhile" "Sorry, son. I've got clients to see, lots of papers to file." Opportunity lost... "Grandma!! Tell me about life when you were young, all those years ago Smiling she says, "I'll do that one day when I'm really old and slow" But how many days does Grandma have? No one knows Opportunity lost... You've been telling an aquaintance about Jesus, how to walk the narrow way She called today with a crisis, wanted to hear the advice you'd have to say But you cut the conversation short, really didn't want to miss "Oprah" today Opportunity lost... Stra...
Do You Believe? Christian: Defined as a believer, follower of Jesus Christ and His teachings For no one else's influence in history as been so far reaching Only His message of "unconditional love" has been so beseeching Can you imagine the wonderous love that made Him willing to die? To pay the ultimate price for OUR sins, He would obediently comply Only the sacrifice of "the Sinless for the sinful" would salvation's attonement buy So are YOU a Christian? To these questions can you give an affirmative nod? Do you believe Jesus Christ was truly the Son of God? Who left Heaven and became a man, Israel's Holy Land to trod Do you believe EVERY person is a sinner, separated from God and lost? That only this One's perfect blood could pay sin's terrible cost That without Him we're on a sea of doubt, worry, fear and tossed Do you worry of what the future may hold here on Earth? Puzzled at what was I created for? What was the purpose of my birth? Doub...