Bob’s 1st Day By: Maxine M. The weather report had said, ‘Snow over night, travelers may experience delay’ So Bob had gotten up early…he was starting a new job today In fact, his first “real” job since graduating from college last May He was to meet the company C.E.O. at 10:00 and he wanted to impress So he took extra time with his appearance and dress Excitedly fixing his hair to look its very best…couldn’t settle for less Pulling into the street, he found the road slick…this 4-wheel drive is great An elderly neighbor was struggling with her car by the driveway gate Maybe he should help, but today he must not be late Along the snow packed road, some drivers were stranded by the roadside But Bob couldn’t miss his meeting, so there wasn’t an offer of a ride Someone with time will stop to help…the reasoning he applied Finally Bob arrived at the office, safe and sound…no need now to worry & fret A man was shove...
My mom Maxine's original poems and prose to PRAISE God and to help bring others to the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! Soon, and very Soon the Lord will call us who are saved to "Come up here" when His church will be Raptured. Personally, I can't wait!