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Showing posts from June, 2008
How Will You Handle Change? By: Maxine M. Have you ever sat back and considered your life then sighed happy and content Problems all seem solved & now its smooth sailing…the message life has sent You worked so hard to this point…ahead lay years of peaceful retirement BUT LIFE IS FULL OF CHANGE… Suddenly your health is gone…problems no one can solve or reverse Those “Golden Years” are spent dependent on a care-giver or nurse That happy sunny disposition changes to sadness, depression or worse HOW WILL YOU HANDLE CHANGE? Your JOB is “challenging”, but rewarding…you’ve given it your complete devotion Even through those “problem solving times” when you DESERVED a promotion You stayed LOYAL while others constantly caused a commotion BUT LIFE IS FULL OF CHANGE… CHANGE has hit your company…new bosses are in control now Or your job is lost, fu...
There’s An Enemy In Our Nation By: Maxine M. There’s an enemy in our nation, silent and unseen This enemy is a cruel, devoted, diabolical fiend He invades our homes, walks our streets, appears on the political scene He’s been around since time and has brought mighty nations to their knees History records he attacks with stealth…as deadly as you please With crafty & cunning promise of wealth, comfort and ease A false sense of security & peace…this enemy’s special tools Practically unnoticed, he took God’s name from our public schools The UNBORN have NO rights!!...through his influence, the high courts sadly rules Now years have passed and untold numbers have parished…we say we are appalled But have we carried a picket sign in protest…our Senators, have we written or called? Do we consider a candidate’s pro-life stance when new leaders are to be installed? For MANY of our leaders are CORRUPT!!’s been proven...