Have You Two Met? By: Maxine M. The Bible records how, on the Damascus Road, the risen Jesus MET the Pharisee Saul Stopping him in his zealous pursuit…blinded by the light, he heard the Saviour call Why!! are you persecuting Me by locking My servants in a prison stall Saul fell to the ground in astonishment & fear, retaining no strength at all “Who are You, Lord? What do You want ME to do?” he asked in trembling voice weak and small Oh, how that encounter altered his life…even changing his name to Paul The Bible also tells of Peter, who MET Jesus one day at his brother, Andrew’s request His nets were FILLED when fishing on the “RIGHT” side, as Jesus would suggest “I’ll make you a “Fisher of Men”, Peter, if your life, in ME you invest Oh, he had rough edges to smooth, words & instructions from the Lord to digest A change from what “I will do” to what the Holy Spirit said was best So from s...
My mom Maxine's original poems and prose to PRAISE God and to help bring others to the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! Soon, and very Soon the Lord will call us who are saved to "Come up here" when His church will be Raptured. Personally, I can't wait!