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Mother's Day
by: Maxine M. (this is cute)

Our first parents lived in a paradise of ease
Their original days were without toil, doing as they pleased
Enjoying God's garden of bountiful, fruitful trees

There was nothing to fear, as all the animals were tame
As they came one by one for Adam to name
The perfect marriage, there was no one else to blame

The ideal life, but one thing they both never knew
Was the loving touch of a Mother, as not from childhood they grew
Of that special bond from child to Mother, they had no clue

A Mother hadn't warned, "Don't talk to that snake"
"He's not what he seems, he's a phony and a fake"
"If you listen to him, it will bring sorrow and heartache"

So Eve raised her children without Mother's advice
Labor pains and discomfort were disobedience's price
A Mother certainly would have made her think twice

When the question "why do it this way?" came around
She couldn't reply, "It's a family tradition handed down"
No Grandma to babysit for a "night on the town"

She had to decide for herself when a baby could eat "mush" on it's own
When could they safely handle that chicken bone
Put baby on stomach or back; to which position was she prone?

No Mother to run home to if they had a big fight
He couldn't know those "monthly moods" were a woman's right
Or say, "My MOM'S fig cakes were always airy and light"

What was his answer when asked "Do these fig leaves make me look fat?"
Now, the rest of mankind had Mothers, thank God for that!
And even when they are gone, we miss that daily chat

If time with your Mother was short here on Earth
Don't let that fact undermine her worth
One thing is for certain, she was there at your birth

Or perhaps you were blest to have her many years
With fond memories of how she soothed childhood fears
Sat by your sickbed, dried foolish tears

For Adam and Eve never experienced a Mother's gentile caressing
After much thought and consideration, this, we are stressing
All Mothers, young or old - present or past, are "God's Special Blessing"

So Happy Mother's Day to all Mother's everywhere
For the traditions and advice, they were so willing to share
Her love and self-sacrifice and with physical, emotional and spiritual care


Marge said…
I loved this one, too! VERY cute, and so, very true! In fact, I don't think I'd ever really thought much about Adam and Eve not having parents, etc. It IS interesting :)

Having had four sons, makes me "THE" Mother-In-Law, three times over, now, LOL. (Bob isn't married.......yet) OMG, is it EVER fun, at times, being the Mother-In-Law, kinda deal :( Two of my Daughter-In-Laws are really great, but there's one that makes me feel pretty 'weird,' at times. It makes me walk closer to Jesus, I'll tell you that! This Gal is extremely controling, and resents any outside I try to keep a low profile, and respect her wishes, etc. It was a tall order, since she married my 'baby,' and we were very close. The word being 'were' now. But, hopefully, she'll change, and 'get over,' being a 'control freak,' LOL. If nothing else, the situation has brought me closer to God, and that's never a bad thing :)

Love you! And God bless you, and yours, too :)
Oh Judy......

I'm wiping my tears.....

Jaisens dad asked me how to celebrate Mother's Day. One thing I do know is that I must copy this and let him read this to the kids. I really don't know how much that they will get...but this is for me the most precious yet!

Left you a message at Child's . My blog is back minus the kids. I admit I got weirded out about predators too.

Love to you
Faith said…
This one is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing...
God Bless you,
Marge said…
I'm praying for you, my dear, dear sister in Christ Jesus! And please let us know how you are doing, too, okay?

Love you much!
Oh Judy,

I love it. It is a lot more than cute. It is precious. And so true. It never ever entered my mind, even once about them not knowing a Mother's love.

Thank you, and thank your Mom.

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