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Childlike Faith
By: Maxine M.

A short time ago, a long-time politician was laid to rest
The last of the patriotic brothers…in America, their lives they’d invest
People lined the streets expressing grief, paying tribute & honor with considerable zest

A crowd gathered on the Capital’s steps engrossed in this somber affair
But did you notice the small children quietly playing without a care?
Just having fun, making faces at each other while parents were unaware

Wiggling & anxious to be on with life…shed those “good” clothes that must stay clean
Unconcerned what “Teddy’s” passing would bring to the political scene
Confident & trusting their parents would keep life safe & serene

For children are children in spite of color, nationality or religious creed
Where prejudice hasn’t been formed, childlike acceptance will intercede
They’re refreshingly innocent…not yet carrying our burden of ‘will I succeed’

They have a GIFT of being able to amuse themselves even when the world is in a tailspin
Oh, they may have momentary tears over a broken toy or a knee’s scraped skin
But a band-aid & a hug will surely produce a heartfelt grin

Ready to tackle life once more as energy & enthusiasm are quickly restored
With unbounding curiosity, eager for adventure, seldom bored
They can promptly overcome disappointment…speak with a FRANKNESS we can not afford

They can show open emotions…respond to love without hidden motives of their own
Imagination takes them into a world of fantasy to which all children are prone
Unrelenting in asking the presence of Greatness, humility is shown

Such was the case when Jesus was teaching parables one day
Parents brought children for blessing but were told “be quiet”…stay out of the way
But their inquisitive minds made them want to SEE & HEAR what Jesus had to say

The disciples tried to restrain them but Jesus said “Let them come to Me”
All who would be Mine must be as TRUSTING as these in every degree
Filled with a rock solid assurance that what a Father says, He will decree

Adults need to realize that they are as dependent on the Creator’s care as is this little child
Be as genuine & unpretentious in their faith…not easily mislead or beguiled
Accept the Father’s guidance…reach up, take His hand, go that extra mile

Can you visualize Him scooping up that small blonde girl…lifting her high?
Saying, “I’ll use you one day for the Kingdom, even tho you were created SHY”
Telling that cute little boy on His lap, “OH! You’re the apple of the Father’s eye!”

Lying hands on him in blessing and calling them all by name
Smiling when He’s done and they noisily resume their game
He KNOWS that their salvation is the purpose for which He came

Rescuing them from Satan’s grasp…total victory over the “evil fallen one’s” claim
Even those children orphaned, born blind, handicapped or lame
He knows they ALL have a special purpose and loves them all the same

So, has your life become complicated…faith infiltrated by doubt?
Leaving you wondering, what is the Christian life REALLY all about?
The “WHYS” keep creeping in…even when you try so hard to drown them out?

Are there problem days when you cry, “Lord, I don’t understand!! Are You truly there?”
Days of stress and anxiety when life just doesn’t seem fair?
But these are the times when we need to go back to basic faith…of the Father’s love, be aware

Go back to that first childlike TRUST that OUR FATHER will make everything alright
That HE is in charge…controls the future! REMEMBER, His children are precious in His sight!
And one day, those Everlasting arms will hug us oh so tight!


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