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Watch for opporunities...

The World looks for Christians to set a Godly example
And the opportunities that come are more than ample
Life provides "teachable moments", but how many underfoot do we trample?

Opportunity lost...

"Dad, let's go fishing", the young boy said with a smile
What he really was saying was "Let's hang out and talk awhile"
"Sorry, son. I've got clients to see, lots of papers to file."

Opportunity lost...

"Grandma!! Tell me about life when you were young, all those years ago
Smiling she says, "I'll do that one day when I'm really old and slow"
But how many days does Grandma have? No one knows

Opportunity lost...

You've been telling an aquaintance about Jesus, how to walk the narrow way
She called today with a crisis, wanted to hear the advice you'd have to say
But you cut the conversation short, really didn't want to miss "Oprah" today

Opportunity lost...

Strained relationship with a loved one? Haven't talked much at all
Your conscience has been saying "Pick up the phone and call"
But pride said "No, let them call first!" (Another brick in the wall)

Opportunity lost...

Forgiveness could have been demonstrated IF ONLY an "I'm sorry" was said
Instead of the angry "Well, they've just made their own bed!"
In place of love and acceptance, to bitterness and disappointment this has led

Opportunity lost...

I hear my neighbor is sick, could use some heartfelt cheer
Maybe a hotdish and biscuits, the kindness Christ wants us to mirror
But I have a meeting, laundry, and dishes, just too much to do, it would appear

Opportunity lost...

I awoke this morning shocked, saddened at the news
A colleague died last night. She was bright, pretty, so much to lose
I'd been meaning to invite her to church, maybe a new way of life she'd choose

Opportunity lost...

A missionary came to church, came in desperation to plead
"Please make a difference in a child's life, there's such a tremendous need"
"You think?!" Bills are due, car needs repair, so his words you didn't heed

Opportunity lost...

The new co-worker is having problems, she's told you about them once or twice
You'd really like to help her, give her some spiritual advice
But if you don't make your deadline you'll really pay a price

Opportunity lost...

There was a man with sad, lonely eyes on the park bench today
A kind word may have cheered him, but I really didn't know what to say
And since I was in a hurry, I just turned and walked away

Opportunity TAKEN....

"Want to play catch son? I'd like to hear about your day"
"I've missed you, Mom. I'd like to come home this weekend if I may"
"Honey!! You've had a hard day. Let's go out to dinner, what do you say?"

Opportunity TAKEN....

The game was lost by a referee's bad call, just as the whistle was blown
The first instincts are to give in to the rage and anger to which we are prone
But what example of sportsmanship for the kids would that have shown?

Opportunity TAKEN....

There's a lovely young mother next door, but she looks tired and stressed
You offer to take the children for awhile so she can sit down and rest
Gaining a friendship, there's no better way your time to invest

Opportunity TAKEN....

Your child wants to hear a story. "Pick a good one, Mom", he said
You pass on Superman and Power Rangers, select one about Jesus instead
Now, he can fall asleep with thought of HIM in his head

Never lose an Opportunity...

Now, you get the idea, look for opportunities at every turn
When you're really looking, they aren't hard to discern
Opportunities to promote our Savior so the love of Jesus others can learn


Marge said…
All I can say, is WOW! This is a tremendous poem, with a powerful 'punch' to it, that most of us (especially me!) NEED to hear, a LOT more often! How many times, have we not taken the opportunities that God has laid in our pathes, and how many times has His heart been broken, when we've failed to respond to the Holy Spirit?
It reminds me of some notes I just took a few hours ago, on the Holy Spirit, in fact. "Decisions that will change your life, if you will respect the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life." The Minister went on to say, that Divine appointments are the assignments in our life from the Holy Spirit. Some good thoughts, to say the least :)

Anyhow, I'm getting back, to somewhat of a normal routine now, too. I just wanted to 'pop in,' and visit, and also to thank you, for your much appreciated prayers, and encourement, these last few weeks!
I love you, and God bless, you and your family, too!
kinderquilt said…
Judy, Judy, Judy,
(I had to do that for old time sake :) ) Thanks for the wonderful words on my New Blue Blog. I think I finally have the hang of it! Talk to you again, sister.

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