by Maxine M.
The world saw Peter as an unlearned fisherman, nothing special at all
Simply mending his nets, hoping today would yield a big haul
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw the one whom He'd call "The Rock"
The one to found His Church, the leader of His flock
The world saw Levi as a dreaded tax collector
Lowest of the low, a traitor, considered a Roman defector
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw him as Matthew with a loyal heart, faithful and true
Knew he would be useful in the ministry he was to do
The world saw the Pharisees as superior, righteous, ceremoniously clean
Loving to stand in public, praying just to be seen
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw them as hypocrites, fools, blind guides
Saw them as well-polished tombs, but inside rottenness hides
The world saw Saul as an enthusiastic, young Pharisee filled with zeal
Persecuting new Christians, their newly found joy to steal
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw him as Paul, a specially chosen vessel, a sinner set free
The light to the Gentiles he soon would be
The world saw two blind beggars as an inconvenience in their day
Be quiet! The Master's too busy to hear what YOU have to say
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw two troubled people who had a need
That their faith made them cry out, for mercy plead
The world saw small children as a distraction, just getting in the way
Said "Jesus has impotant things to do, just go somewhere and play"
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw them as having pure faith, plain & simple trust
Said for entering His Kingdom, these qualities are a must
Now how does the world see you? What image do you portray?
Intelligence, success, prosperity, someone used to having their own way?
BUT what does Jesus see?
Since He sees thoughts, motives, all desires of the heart
As the potter, is He still perfecting His work of art?
When we see others, what's our initial evaluative thought?
Do we judge by appearance or keep an open mind as we ought?
BUT how does Jesus see them?
He sees some as set free, pulled from life's muck and mire
The rest, as ones WE need to help snatch from the fire
And how do we see ourselves? With confidence, high self-esteem?
Or as a failure, just a composite of broken dreams?
BUT how does Jesus see us?
He looks beyond the faults and weaknesses, even lives in a real mess
For He sees the potential a redeemed life can possess
Now SEEING isn't always just possessing the power of sight
But also to understand the true nature of what is right
HOW does Jesus see?
He sees through eyes of love, not a list of "good" we may compile
He sees us as His Brother or His Sister, His Father's Child
He sees with eyes of compassion, these ones for whom He died
And it grieves Him so, that many His name still have denied
See the good in every person that I meet, every person that I know
Let them see Him in me, in the actions that I show
by Maxine M.
The world saw Peter as an unlearned fisherman, nothing special at all
Simply mending his nets, hoping today would yield a big haul
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw the one whom He'd call "The Rock"
The one to found His Church, the leader of His flock
The world saw Levi as a dreaded tax collector
Lowest of the low, a traitor, considered a Roman defector
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw him as Matthew with a loyal heart, faithful and true
Knew he would be useful in the ministry he was to do
The world saw the Pharisees as superior, righteous, ceremoniously clean
Loving to stand in public, praying just to be seen
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw them as hypocrites, fools, blind guides
Saw them as well-polished tombs, but inside rottenness hides
The world saw Saul as an enthusiastic, young Pharisee filled with zeal
Persecuting new Christians, their newly found joy to steal
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw him as Paul, a specially chosen vessel, a sinner set free
The light to the Gentiles he soon would be
The world saw two blind beggars as an inconvenience in their day
Be quiet! The Master's too busy to hear what YOU have to say
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw two troubled people who had a need
That their faith made them cry out, for mercy plead
The world saw small children as a distraction, just getting in the way
Said "Jesus has impotant things to do, just go somewhere and play"
BUT what did Jesus see?
He saw them as having pure faith, plain & simple trust
Said for entering His Kingdom, these qualities are a must
Now how does the world see you? What image do you portray?
Intelligence, success, prosperity, someone used to having their own way?
BUT what does Jesus see?
Since He sees thoughts, motives, all desires of the heart
As the potter, is He still perfecting His work of art?
When we see others, what's our initial evaluative thought?
Do we judge by appearance or keep an open mind as we ought?
BUT how does Jesus see them?
He sees some as set free, pulled from life's muck and mire
The rest, as ones WE need to help snatch from the fire
And how do we see ourselves? With confidence, high self-esteem?
Or as a failure, just a composite of broken dreams?
BUT how does Jesus see us?
He looks beyond the faults and weaknesses, even lives in a real mess
For He sees the potential a redeemed life can possess
Now SEEING isn't always just possessing the power of sight
But also to understand the true nature of what is right
HOW does Jesus see?
He sees through eyes of love, not a list of "good" we may compile
He sees us as His Brother or His Sister, His Father's Child
He sees with eyes of compassion, these ones for whom He died
And it grieves Him so, that many His name still have denied
See the good in every person that I meet, every person that I know
Let them see Him in me, in the actions that I show
Absoltely wonderful! Your Mom has an Annointing of the Holy Spirit upon her life to write these God inspired poems! She ought to 'hook up,' with a songwritter, and see what happens! That's what Dottie Rambo has done, and look at the results, of her poetry in song! At any rate, it's something to pray about, isn't it?
I love you, and God bless you, and yours!
Thanks for always keeping me close in your thoughts and for the constant encouragement! Your girls and young man are very blessed to have such a wonderful mom!! Send a few pointers here and there for me !!! many hugs --- jen
I had to stop by once again, and read your mom's poems :)
And also to thank you for all your prayers, and encouragement!
I'll be praying for you, and your husband, as he leaves on his Business trip, too.
I love you, and God bless you, and yours richly!
I'm a little slow in getting here, but I finally made it.
This poem is wonderful! When I had my suicidal depression relapse, I kept wondering what our Father saw in me. One evening when I was lying on my bed, the Spirit told me to look at my headboard. On it I had a pair of geode bookends. On the outside, they are an ugly rock, but on the inside, they're beautiful, solid crystal.