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The Last Ride

by: Maxine M (in dedication to a fellow Christian who lost his life)

What a lovely day!! Riding in the fresh spring air, what a thrill

A "bike" gives such freedom, lets you go wherever you will

But, unknowingly, death waited at the top of the hill

A careless moment & a poor decision...quickly a life can be lost

Someone else's mistake, but the innocent paid the ultimate cost

There was no going back, a line forever crossed

Life ceased in an instant, leaving a young family and friends behind

In that moment, the word "tragedy" was clearly defined

Life's priorities for the survivors were dramatically realigned

Two's soul now vanished and gone, the other now saddled with guilt

One's dreams destroyed, the future he hoped could be built

The threads of life unraveled!!, into pieces enough to make a patchwork quilt

The other's life too, forever changed even if he doesn't realize it yet

This scene will play over and over in the mind, this unpayable debt

This taking of a life, the life of a man he had never even met

Now what can WE learn from this tragic event?

For one, there is no guarantees of how long to this earth we are sent

That life is a fragile and delicate thing, so easily broken and bent

We tell friends, "Good-bye, we'll see you again later on"

"Good night, we'll see you in the morning," we say with a yawn

But it's a GIFT not a GIVEN that tomorrow will come with the dawn

Remember!! It's an awesome responsibility EVERY time we slide behind the wheel

Anything that impairs judgement is really a bad deal

When our full attention is distracted, someone's future we could steal

If we're honest, for ALL of us careless moments abound

It's only by God's Grace we are spared a "guilty" judgement sound

And we learn only at the foot of the cross can forgiveness be found

So then perpetrator & victim alike must be READY to answer the Sovereign Lord's call

Because the gift of salvation is just waiting for us all

Waiting, but must be accepted and received by repentence, so do not hesitate or stall

We've seen how putting off this decision can be a very risky thing

So TODAY...all your sins, faults, failures and the Saviour's feet bring

Then by Faith receive His Grace and to all His promises, cling


Marge said…
Wow! Is about all I can say.

One of my Pastors (that has since Retired, Pastor Fulton Buntain, Tacoma, WA.'s Life Center) always used to say, just before prayer time, in our Sunday Service, to take a deep breath, and give everything (cares, worries, all anxieties) over to the Lord. Then he'd say, we don't have tomorrow, it's gone and it can never be relived again, and we don't have tomorrow yet, as it's not here yet. We just have today, and these live today......because yesterday is gone, and you can't live tomorrow, as it hasn't come yet. Then we'd go into united prayer. It was one of the BEST parts of the Service for me, and lots, (and lOTS!) of other people thought so, as well :)

Even in my new book, The Seven Pillars of Health, by Dr. Donald Colbert, he says that, living in the 'present' is one of the greatest 'stess reducers' he can think of, and he recommends it to all his patients. Anyway, your mom's new poem made me think 'on these things.'

Love you, and your mom, too! And many, many thanks for sharing, too!

Gotta go, and shampoo the living room carpet :( LOL.

hope everything is o.k. over at your place. I know the weather was supposed to be rough today,,,,I hope you and Beamer are doing o.k.

Hope to see you at Child's girl.

Love Sue
Marge said…
I had to 'pop in' and say, that yesterday, we did go for a drive into Tacoma's Point Deffiance Park. Mike was feeling okay, but not really good :( But he loves to drive, and always has loved driving, and enjoying cars, etc. He enjoyed it, and it's good to see him get out and about some, too. I know that we're both concerned about his upcoming appt. with the Vascular surgeon this coming Thursday. And thank you for your prayers, for both of us, too!

Yep, I'm headed into work this weekend, working with my Manager, for almost half each shift. Did I mention, thanks for your prayers? LOL. She's like the box of chocloates, with Forrest Gump. "You never know what you're going to get!" HA, HA!

Have a wonderful weekend, and know that I love and appreciate you, a lot, too! God bless you, and yours!
Marge said…
I left a message for you, on my Blog. And I can not tell you enough how much I appreciate you, and your prayers! Thank you so much!

I'm sure you'll (or have read) read about my meeting yesterday with Glenna, and the sudden loss of her husband. It makes you remember, that life is indeed fragile, and we should always stay so very close to our Lord and Savior.

I love you! And thank you again, too! You are such an Encourager to everyone! And that is a Ministry unto the Lord :)

Well I've been thinking of you girl and know that Steve is almost home! I know you are on cloud nine!!! So put that boy to bed soon after daddy's home and 'catch up with your man!!!'

I miss chatting.....I've just been so busy, and sooo tired!

Love to you sister
Great Grany 5 said…

Not to worry! I didn't mean to post that message at Child's but I was so upset that I hit the wrong tab on my browser and didn't even check it out first. Not really like me at all.

I just don't feel up to snuff and now I am running a fever again. I have consumed large amounts of ice water and nothing seems to help my feeling hot. The doc thinks it is still the meds and my body's reaction to all of them. I am off of them but still have some of it in my system.

I will drop a note at Child's but nothing of any length.

Love you very much and enjoy your joyful chitty chat. Keep the joy girl!


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Homeward Bound said…
Hi Judy. I just saw you had left a comment on my blog. (In early May - blush!) I explained the rhino picture for you.

I now have it set so that I know when someone comments!

Hey Judy,

I've missed posting. I've had some free time today to catch up and post a bit. Playing Pat-a-Cake with Pedro! It's been a crazy two weeks. I found it difficult to write about everything with H. but I know you are with me in spirit. Mental illness has to be the worst. And dealing with another parent who has the same condition, well let's just say it's been a nightmare of 10 years!

Although a difficult decision to make...(mostly for hubby) it is for the best that H. is going to live with her mom. The kids are already feeling an enormous sense of relief as am I. I had company over last week while she was gone and on person who is a Christian said, "It was so pleasant at your house today without her....I've always felt a sense of spiritual darkness when she's been around". That wasn't meant to hurt my feelings just a statement of truth. But I can honestly relate to what that person was talking about. The woman from protective services basically said to get her out of our home so nothing happened to any of the other kids.

I hope your weekend was fun-filled and relaxing. I know you and Steve-o had a great time. Tell your mom I love her and to keep wriiting her poems.....I'm so glad you told Davey to read that one. You do never know who is going to be blessed by her work!

Well I gotta go. Hubby will be here in a minute and I think we are going for a bite to eat.

Love you Judy

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