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Hope vs. Certainty
by: Maxine M

Hope: Webster defines as the feeling of what we want will happen, our desire we'll see
Also as the person or thing from which this expectation will come to be
Now each person's hope varies to an individual degree

Certainty: fixed, settled, sure, positive....that which we can not doubt
Thy Word, oh Lord, forever settled in Heaven!!, a certainty we can shout
North is always north, truth is always true...not matter what else comes about

Mary and Martha HOPED Jesus would come, so brother Lazarus wouldn't have to die
Disappointed & let down...tears of sorrow they would cry
But the CERTAINTY was, Jesus IS the Lord of Life, death's victory He could deny

The disciples HOPED the Messiah would free them from Roman domination, in their day
That Israel would be exaulted...all enemies made to pay
The CERTAINTY was, He came to free us from sin, Salvation had just come their way

David clung to HOPE, that God would relent...his child He would spare
In confessing, he knew God would forgive, their relationship they'd repair
And the CERTAINTY was, he'd see his child again in Heaven...God's Glory share

One HOPES the Dr's test will be normal, everything come out right
Hope keeps spirits high if we're told "prepare for a long fight"
CERTAINTY knows! The Lord will be there through the darkest night

We HOPE for success, to be compensated well if we succeed
Some simply hope to win the lottery...please let my numbers come up, they plead
But CERTAINTY remembers..."According to My riches in Glory, I'll supply all your need"

We diet and exercise HOPING a healthy long life we'll get
Read and study hoping to improve concentration, memory & wit
But it's a CERTAIN, God alone, knows how our life's puzzle pieces will fit

When asked, "Are you going to Heaven when you die?" Most answer, "I HOPE so"
"I'm a good person, I go to church, I have good works to show"
"A 'good' God would only turn away 'really bad' people to Hell below"

But the Purity of Almighty God can only accept souls washed white as snow
And only the shed blood of His Son, can produce this dazzling glow
So it's in accepting the CERTAINTY OF THE CROSS, we can assure "Yes, I am, I KNOW"

HOPE gets us up in the morning, to see what a new day will bring
Yesterday's troubles are behind, today will be better, the hope to which we cling
But it's the CERTAINTY of His Amazing Grace, that makes our heart sing

For there's no TRUE HOPE without the ROCK SOLID CERTAINTY of God's Word
The Sureness of all the promises that we've heard
The actual promises He made, not everything we hoped would have occurred

Now we see, HOPE IS a vital part of our everyday existance
But, "I'll never leave you" is the Master's CERTAIN promised assistance
So we need to establish and embrace what we know is CERTAIN with all persistence

Life will be so much sweeter, knowing we have an absolute guarantee in place
Not just the HOPE that we've run a good enough life's race
CERTAIN!! Christ's sacrifice was ALL SUFFICIENT, and that we'll see Him one day...face to Face


Marge said…
I love this poem, on so many different levels! There IS truly a difference between hoping, and Faith. As your Mother (bless her heart!) pointed out, you aren't going to be saved by hoping. It requires an act of Faith. As the old saying goes, "Faith is a fact, but it's also an act."

And then this poem, of your Mom's, reminds me of the one that my Dad had (typed himself, from where, we don't know) in his wallet, at the scene of the fatal airplane crash he was in, Jan. of 1951. The airplane exploded, in mid air, shortly after take off. There wasn't a piece of the plane over 4' long, so my Dad's wallet surviving was quite a miracle. At any rate, if you, and your Mom don't mind, I'd like to post that poem. My Mother had them printed up, (blown up to 8 by 10's) framed, and she gave them away, to our friends and family. So, as you can see, it meant a lot of us. (Mom is in Heaven now, since 1997)

Enough To Know

I know not how, nor when, nor why,
I can but this, on God rely;
His truth, His love eternal flow;
God's life! This is enough to know.

I rest content whate'er betide,
For love and peace with me abide;
I care not how my footsteps go,
God guides! This is enough to know.

I know not when I shall forsake
All sin, and in His likeness wake,
But to Christ's stature I shall grown,
God reigns! This is enough to know.

I know not why I sometimes fall,
Seem to forget that God is all,
I grasp His outstretched arms, and lo!
God is! This is enough to know.

Anyhow, my Mom had them printed up, as is :) Although there were no mistakes made :) However, the older typewritters had different letters that came thru bolder, and such. At least the typewritter that he used was that way. He worked for a large Insurance Co., and was their Claims Adjuster. In fact, he was coming home from Spokane, WA., and the crash happened over a farmer's field. And it was reported several years later, he would plow up parts of that plane, that were in the ground 4' deep. It was one huge explosion! So, it just goes to prove, once again, that life is precious, and we need to treasure the time we have with our loved ones.

Anyway, not to leave this posting on a down note, because there is that eternal Hope, and Faith, that God IS a GOOD God, and has prepared for His family a blessed future......not only for now, but for all eternity. (for those who have come to know Jesus as Savior and their Lord)

Well, God bless you, and your darling Mother! I love you both!
Marge said…
Your brother is a Seahawk fan? Does he live in Seattle? I just wondered, because some of the people that live in Western WA. aren't really a Seahawk fan, LOL.

Love ya!
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Katherine Hall said…
Hi Judy,

Thanks for visiting Shutterblog. That purple flower was growing in an arbor at my Pastor's home. I was visiting with his wife Nancy, and I said, "Oh, I must get a picture of that Nancy! It is just beautiful." I've been very busy this summer. I have another wedding shoot coming up in a week and I still haven't finished all the pics from my brother's wedding. My mom and sister have been visiting from So Cal as well so I haven't had a lot of computer time. And with caring for my husband too after his surgery. It is amazing how well he is doing. He walks like a new man. I'm so happy for him. His back and legs were hurting so badly before. Well, it's the last evening I have with my mom so I better get back to her. (LOVED your mom's poem. What a gift she has at exalting our Lord and encouraging His children!)

Much Love,

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