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By: Maxine M

WE are at WAR!! Not just the one we see on television every night
This is a SUBTLE war, so subtle perhaps we don't even realize we're in a fight
Or who the enemy is, but BEWARE!, this enemy has weapons of powerful might

The weapons of this enemy we face, have been around since time began
This daily war is the war of that "Serpent of Old" verses man
When Eve first saw him, she should have turned around and ran

For she wasn't an equal match for this enemy's 'half-truths' and outright lies
Gleefully, he thought he had won when he heard her labor's cry
Thinking, NOW, against the rule of their Creator, all her offspring will defy

But he's only won a battle, the full blown war was only about to start
And it still rages today...the war for man's soul, mind and heart
The stakes are HIGH, don't underestimate him, for he is cunning, wiley and smart

Most "soldiers" just do what they have to do, but this enemy totally enjoys
Using all the devilish, sadistic, satanic weapons he employs
All with the intent & confidence that these and happiness...destroy

One of his favorites is the arrow of anger...with which the 1st man was slain
In the use of this weapon, the enemy and his follower constantly train
Knowing if he can keep a man's spirit angry, good works will be in vain

This enemy's arsenal includes darts of disappointment, discouragement & doubt
And the distractions of material "stuff"...the benefit of riches...he'll shout
Keeps us so BUSY, there's no time to STOP and THINK what life's all about

Bitterness, resentment, revenge, hatred...part of the ammunition he uses
Fear, guilt, pride, prejudice used whenever he chooses
Confidence, security, self-esteem...he grossly abuses

Stealth, espionage, infiltration...just some of the war games he'll play
By complacency, compulsions, apathy, he can win "a battle" at the end of the day
How many have been lured into the snare of "later", "You have lots of time" he'll say

But the time is NOW, to be vigilant, not knowing when an attack he will dare
The attack may be in what we see or hear, maybe the prospects of a shady business affair
FIGHT BACK!!, by Knowledge of His Word, Shield of Faith, Power Punch of Prayer

Have a difficult boss? Always impatient, voice rough & commanding?
The enemy will be repelled if we just apply a little understanding
Look deeper for the true reason he's so demanding

Your neighbor just bought an expensive car...the enemy brings his weapon of jealousy to bare
A SINCERE "I'm happy for you", the enemy's joy vanishes into thin air
You just won a battle, and you may have been totally unaware

In the middle of church we're considering what to put in the collection plate
The enemy whispers, Remember-sales this month haven't been that great
DOUBLE your usual amount...defeated, he'll hiss "that's NOT the response I wanted to anticipate"

Angry at your spouse? Don't "unload", make their favoite dinner instead
The enemy's weapon will be disarmed, his spirit filled with dread
Thinking...I had them cornered, but they listened to what their Commander said

So you see, we MUST review OUR Commander's battle plan each day
Encourage, support, lift up, our fellow soldiers in life's daily fray
Being ever so careful!!, that by the enemy's allurement, we're not led astray

Always listening for the Commander's voice above earth's noisy din
For He's the only one who can overcome the enemy--free from a life of sin
Because one day, the WAR will be OVER...HE LOSES & WE WIN!!!


Marge said…
I loved the last line!
And the rest of it was great, too!

Keep fighting the 'good' fight of Faith!

Love to you, and your mom, too!
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Judy, Loved the poem! Tell your mom "HI!" Sorry to hear about your 'rollercoaster'....and whatever else may be a discouragement. Know that I have my sister held close to my heart in prayer.....even silly things like siding concerns He cares about!

I hope all else is ok. Just wanted to say that your last post has made me feel compelled to pray for you more than usual. Take care girl,,,,and if you need to talk you know how to reach me.
Marge said…
Beautiful work! Oh my goodness, you should display, and share with other people. You are one little talented lady!

Our Fair starts in a couple of weeks, very close by to where I live. It's the Western WA. Fair, and it runs for three weeks. And I gotta tell you, that it's been years since I attended, as the prices have soared, along with the crowds. And unfortunately, not much of anything new, ha, ha! I know, I know. My friends and I complain about the traffic on weekends, LOL, too! We're BAD!However, they always have excellent talent for evening entertainment. I believe, Mercy Me, will be there this year. But, I don't follow it, very much, anymore. When the boys were younger, we went to see the, Beach Boys, perform almost every year though. And yes, they usually sang, "Help Me Rhonda,' too! Ya gotta love it!

Anyhow, I wanted to tell you about a CD that you might enjoy. It helped me thru my 'empty nest' syndrome, a few years ago. (music does minister to everyone, but with some, moreso than others) Anyway, we're similiar temperments, and I believe you might also benefit from the CD. And it's nothing like you're thinking. (I'm thinking :)
At any rate, it's by Sara Groves, and the CD is called, Conversations. And the songs that helped me, were, 'Painting Pictures of Egypt,' and most of all, 'This Journey is My own.' Wow! One of the lines of that song are: "and you can't live your life for someone else, will only bring you pain." The first time I heard that line, the lights went on, and it was almost like a blinding light that went off in my spirit. Of course, in the words of Toby Keith, "it may not work for you,......but it works for me." But, I thought I'd share this with you, as emotional pain is a very real thing, and needs to be dealt with, and not covered up. (as I was trying to do :( Also, another line, from that song is: "now I live and breath for an audience of one, for I know this journey is my own."
So, just a little encouragement along, your journey,' is all :)

I love you, and keep looking up! Because Jesus is coming again soon!
Marge said…
I couldn't agree more with you, about Joyce Meyer, and also that she has a great sense of fashion.

However, I believe you were feeling the great love of God, when you were overcome with the Tribute to Tammy Faye. And I did watch the PTL club, back when they were on T.V., quite a little bit, actually. And I also admit, there was a lot of 'dross,' present, BUT, there were wonderful times in the Holy Spirit, too :) Especially when Vestal Goodman was on the program. Along with others.

At any rate, that isn't even my point, LOL. I was going to say, that both Tammy Faye, and also Jan Crouch are Sanguine temperments, IMHO. And being that temperment, they are extremely emotional, and go 'overboard,' and are into excesses in dress, make-up, and the works! (in Tammy's case, 'were')
And with our temperments, Sanguine women (some men, as well) come off, as being insincere, and their emotional 'issues' appear to be staged. Which may be well, and true. However, the older I get, the more I'm learning to 'see thru' things like that, and thru the help of the Holy Spirit, see their 'heart.' And quite truthfully, I've gotta admit, sometimes these emotional 'basketcases,' (ouch, but you know what I mean, right?) are very much sincere. Though odd, by our standards :) At any rate, that is my two bits on the subject,......and I wasn't even asked for my opinion, ha, ha! So, it's free of charge, LOL.

Much love to you, my sweet little lamb! Because you ARE the sweet one, you know! God bless you, and keep you, in His care!
jib said…

thanks for the hint about the duckies. It actually started quite by accident. On vacation, forgot something to play in the tub with, rubber ducky on sale at bath store, different than the one he had etc.

It's kind of fun and he enjoys having different duckies.

I'll check out the site as those would make good stocking stuffers .

I also do counted cross stitch (self taught) but really haven't done anything quite so elaborate as you. Wow is all I can say. Do you have any of the programs that allow you to make your own patterns?
Marge said…
Judy, (along with anyone else)

Just a little invitation to stop by and visit on Wilma's Blog, too :)
Today, Lori, Wilma and myself have discussed blackberries, dew berries, and also the old, I Love Lucy T.V. programs. (a little before your time, but they are still in re-runs) Of course, we discuss more serious topics as well.

Have a great afternoon/evening!
Love you, and God bless you, and yours, too!
Marge said…
I was so pleased to see you had posted at Wilma's, too!
Love you much!

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