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Showing posts from November, 2008
Hope in the Midst of Turmoil By: Maxine M. Turmoil!! Everywhere you turn, there’s turmoil & panic all across our land Confusion over just WHERE, at this moment in time, do I really stand Who can provide the answers this day & hour demands Politicians & leaders give the SAME redundant speech day after day All proclaiming, “Follow me, I have the solution…I know the way” BUT when they falter & fail to deliver, it’s the PEOPLE who have to pay So the worry CONTINUES, questions abound & go unanswered…what shall I do? Is my job secure? I’ve heard the competition is laying off quite a few Has the Market hit bottom? Those MIS-managers, I wish I could sue Housing market & car dealerships in trouble…at losses their products are being sold Building construction & expansion projects are now being put on hold Banks are closing, there’s NO confidence in investing...the conclusion of those polled Our enemies rejoic...
REMEMBER to say Thank You By: Maxine M. Luke tells us of 10 lepers who begged Jesus for mercy one day He told them “GO!! Show yourselves to the priests” and they were CURED as they went to obey But only ONE came back to say THANK YOU…the others just went on their way Now, we think, HOW RUDE!! What a thoughtless thing to do! But, how many times are we blessed and forget to say thank you We acknowledge a kind act from a friend, neighbor or loved one, its true BUT, when it comes to the “Giver of all Good Gifts”, are we as appreciative as we should be? Thank Him for living (at least for now) in a land that is free And for the wonders of His enormous created world that we all can daily see? Even in the midst of the man-made rubble & disorder…all the messes WE make His goodness and perfection still can be seen in a snow-capped mountain and shimmering lake Seen on that star-studded night when, for some reason, we’re still aw...
Just A Piece of The Puzzle By: Maxine M. The election is OVER!! The majority has spoken…a new era soon will begin Liberal policies will easily be put into place, while giving them a seemingly sensible SPIN But around 30% of the qualified voters DIDN’T vote, not caring who would win Now, at least, all these annoying phone calls & ads will finally cease The “WINNER’S” are seen rejoicing in the streets, giving way to an emotional release There will be a SUPERFICIAL talk of reconciliation…feeble attempt at peace The battle wounds will heal…alls fair in war and politics, they’ll say Now you’ll see how WE “CHANGE” America…just follow OUR way But, somehow, they’ve turned truth’s distinct “black & white” into shades of gray But as good citizens, we’ll support those duly elected to lead Still pray for the good of the country…all of America’s people who have a need Care for the sick and elderly…those most vulnerable, their cries, qui...
When The Closing Bell Rings By: Maxine M. Excitement builds as investors anticipate Wall Street’s opening bell What will the TREND be for today…will it be BUY or SELL? Fortunes made and lost…Remember October, how fast it fell? For with daily trading, The Market’s volatile ups and downs are shown Economic news, the election, company profits all affect that investor on the phone In fear and anxiety, they ponder “do we risk speculation on the unknown? But no matter what drama the trading today brings The ups of the START can be wiped out when the final bell rings All the promise of fortune suddenly took wings But isn’t this a “picture” of how we live all our life long SOME start life neglected, abused, in poverty, everything going wrong But SOMEHOW, SOMEWHERE find the fortitude to finish strong OTHER’S beginnings are happy, secure, privileged and blest But end up in moral decline once they leave the family nest For a WRONG LIFE ST...
Are You Registered? By: Maxine M. Everywhere in the entire country…no area is too remote People will soon be standing in line to vote Our “preference” on all the election issues we will then denote When your turn comes, the election worker will CHECK for your name in their book As long as YOUR name is there…a legal voter, not a felon or crook Then you’ll gladly make your choice, forgetting how long the process took But we hear everyday how SOME just have to try and cheat As they register in different states, making their frauds complete For voting more than once…the very principal of our system they defeat And many will try to vote never having been legally registered at all Or perhaps they registered, BUT aren’t a legal citizen…now that takes a lot of gall So confusion reigns as to which are true winners…which shall we install? But let me tell you of ANOTHER BOOK and its list of names It’s called the “Lamb’s Book Of Life”…and...