Hope in the Midst of Turmoil By: Maxine M. Turmoil!! Everywhere you turn, there’s turmoil & panic all across our land Confusion over just WHERE, at this moment in time, do I really stand Who can provide the answers this day & hour demands Politicians & leaders give the SAME redundant speech day after day All proclaiming, “Follow me, I have the solution…I know the way” BUT when they falter & fail to deliver, it’s the PEOPLE who have to pay So the worry CONTINUES, questions abound & go unanswered…what shall I do? Is my job secure? I’ve heard the competition is laying off quite a few Has the Market hit bottom? Those MIS-managers, I wish I could sue Housing market & car dealerships in trouble…at losses their products are being sold Building construction & expansion projects are now being put on hold Banks are closing, there’s NO confidence in investing...the conclusion of those polled Our enemies rejoic...
My mom Maxine's original poems and prose to PRAISE God and to help bring others to the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! Soon, and very Soon the Lord will call us who are saved to "Come up here" when His church will be Raptured. Personally, I can't wait!