Are You Registered?
By: Maxine M.
Everywhere in the entire country…no area is too remote
People will soon be standing in line to vote
Our “preference” on all the election issues we will then denote
When your turn comes, the election worker will CHECK for your name in their book
As long as YOUR name is there…a legal voter, not a felon or crook
Then you’ll gladly make your choice, forgetting how long the process took
But we hear everyday how SOME just have to try and cheat
As they register in different states, making their frauds complete
For voting more than once…the very principal of our system they defeat
And many will try to vote never having been legally registered at all
Or perhaps they registered, BUT aren’t a legal citizen…now that takes a lot of gall
So confusion reigns as to which are true winners…which shall we install?
But let me tell you of ANOTHER BOOK and its list of names
It’s called the “Lamb’s Book Of Life”…and there’ll be NO playing games
No cheating, swindling or deception…no falsification of claims
For God Almighty Himself writes this list & keeps it up to date
ONLY those whose name is there will, in His Heavenly joy, participate
So, if you don’t REGISTER, YOU will be permanently sealing your fate
You’ll be turned away, knowing that now forever it’s too late
There’ll be no answers to the questions…Why didn’t I come in time? Why did I wait?
Finally realizing you have to be REGISTERED to gain admission through the Heavenly Gate
Now, registering is so EASY…it’s by coming to Faith in Christ ALONE
BELIEVING that by His death and resurrection, HE for our sins, COULD atone
Because “good” works or religious demeanor by themselves aren’t enough…the Bible has shown
So why not register? Put YOUR name in His Book today
Put down that heavy load of misguided pride and then SINCERELY humbly pray…
Lord Jesus!! I accept Your “Free Gift” of Salvation, now knowing YOU are the way
That to be with You is the real purpose we all exist
PLEASE add my name to your PRECIOUS, ACCURATE & PRECISE List
So that when You call Your LOVED ONES to Glory, I won’t be missed!
By: Maxine M.
Everywhere in the entire country…no area is too remote
People will soon be standing in line to vote
Our “preference” on all the election issues we will then denote
When your turn comes, the election worker will CHECK for your name in their book
As long as YOUR name is there…a legal voter, not a felon or crook
Then you’ll gladly make your choice, forgetting how long the process took
But we hear everyday how SOME just have to try and cheat
As they register in different states, making their frauds complete
For voting more than once…the very principal of our system they defeat
And many will try to vote never having been legally registered at all
Or perhaps they registered, BUT aren’t a legal citizen…now that takes a lot of gall
So confusion reigns as to which are true winners…which shall we install?
But let me tell you of ANOTHER BOOK and its list of names
It’s called the “Lamb’s Book Of Life”…and there’ll be NO playing games
No cheating, swindling or deception…no falsification of claims
For God Almighty Himself writes this list & keeps it up to date
ONLY those whose name is there will, in His Heavenly joy, participate
So, if you don’t REGISTER, YOU will be permanently sealing your fate
You’ll be turned away, knowing that now forever it’s too late
There’ll be no answers to the questions…Why didn’t I come in time? Why did I wait?
Finally realizing you have to be REGISTERED to gain admission through the Heavenly Gate
Now, registering is so EASY…it’s by coming to Faith in Christ ALONE
BELIEVING that by His death and resurrection, HE for our sins, COULD atone
Because “good” works or religious demeanor by themselves aren’t enough…the Bible has shown
So why not register? Put YOUR name in His Book today
Put down that heavy load of misguided pride and then SINCERELY humbly pray…
Lord Jesus!! I accept Your “Free Gift” of Salvation, now knowing YOU are the way
That to be with You is the real purpose we all exist
PLEASE add my name to your PRECIOUS, ACCURATE & PRECISE List
So that when You call Your LOVED ONES to Glory, I won’t be missed!