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Do You Have Room?
By: Maxine M.

The decree went forth…everyone had to go to their home town to register
Go in person!! Joseph worried about Mary…how hard would this trip be on her
(This was LONG before they could register ONLINE, right where they were)

So this trip of many days was very difficult for them both, to say the very least
We grumble about a long car trip, but Joseph WALKED beside Mary astride a smelly beast
Night fell as they neared Bethlehem…suddenly their stress level was increased

Those first pangs of labor told Mary it won’t be long now
“Joseph!!”, she exclaimed, “we must find shelter soon somehow”
“Yes Mary, there’s an Inn up ahead…it says No Vacancy, but perhaps an exception they’ll allow”

NO ROOM, NO ROOM!!, the Inn-keeper insistently cried…if only he’d known
He could have given the “Lord of Glory” HIS bed…but no kindness was shown
The census was a financial BOON & he wanted to “CASH IN” on a wind fall of his own

So, the Saviour of the human race entered the world He created in a simple stable
The lowliest of places, with sounds & smells of animals tethered here and there by rope or cable
All because, to PERCEIVE HOLINESS, that Inn-keeper just wasn’t able

Now, it’s easy to FAULT the Inn-keeper for turning them away into the night
But let’s examine the room in OUR heart…do we help others in a similar plight?
Is there room in our life for that unborn child that may one day be our greatest delight

How about that elderly neighbor…do we find room for them in our daily rush?
Do we care about prisoners or do we paint them ALL with the same condemning brush?
Shouldn’t WE be like Jesus, make room for those REHABILITATED…this hope at a 2nd chance not crush?

That co-worker or friend who just lost their job and has a family to feed
The sick, the lonely, even our family members who need encouragement to succeed
Do we find room in our life? Or, like that Inn-keeper, is it all about greed?

How about the abused, neglected, the handicapped…do we have some room to spare?
Look around, there are many in need everywhere…just be aware
MAKE ROOM in your life…with an OPEN SPIRIT, WILLINGLY share

“What you do for them, you do for ME,” was Jesus’ often repeated refrain
Room can be made by pulling out ROOTS of BITTERNESS so long unrestrained
There will be room for love, joy, & peace once those “waters of resentment” are drained

If “SELF” would just move over a bit, room for OTHERS we’d easily find
A heart soft and pliable…I’m sure this is what Jesus had in mind
An enormous capacity for love, this Creator uniquely designed

So even when there wasn’t room at the Inn, that long ago 1st Christmas Eve
And in cold indifference, Joseph and Mary were told to leave
When ASKED, Jesus will always find room in His House for you…eternity achieve

And this Christmas season, as we commemorate the Christ Child’s birth once again
Let’s follow the example He clearly demonstrated and set before all men
To FIND ROOM for others…that it’s in GIVING, life’s victories we can win

So let’s GIVE of OURSELVES…not just the gifts money can buy
Take time to tell them how THIS BABY would one day willingly die
That Heaven can only be OBTAINED because, to SIN, Holy Blood He’d apply

For at Christmas, the Father gave us the Gift of His Son, KNOWING how He’d be mistreated
On Good Friday the Son gave the Gift of His life…Satan now defeated
But on Easter, He was RESURRECTED!! And now, once again at the Father’s right hand, is seated

So in your RUSH of preparation, OPEN the room of your heart WIDE
INVITE Him and ALL He sends across your path to come inside
Let His Holy Spirit make a home there…He’ll council, comfort and forever abide


LisaShaw said…
This is wonderful and I'm sure a blessing NOT JUST to us but to the LORD!

Thank you for sharing your heart.
jib said…

you should post this at the cave

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