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What’s Your Title?
By: Maxine M.

The nation just went through months of campaigning…millions of dollars spent
Mud was slung, dirty secrets aired, FEW solutions were ever sent
All to give the winner the coveted title of “President”

Now, not all seek this higher office, but SOME SORT of title we seem to desire
A title that says “You’re the Best” at what you do…one your contemporaries admire
That next rank up the military ladder or some public office to which we aspire

A title is a way of identification, distinguishing ONE from the rest
The word “champion” before your name means at least for now you’re the best
Clearly shows you’ve been victorious…risen above the competitive test

We all have titles of some sort, be it honorable or derogatory
Some have “secrets” behind that fancy title, but TRUTH is another story
The Bible says it’s a great INJUSTICE to give one unworthy improper glory

Now, you see, many titles are given but can also be taken away
A duly elected popular leader can be REMOVED come election day
That one once called HEROIC…do they really have feet of clay?

If your husband truly loves you, “MY WIFE” sounds as royal as “Queen” any day
The titles “Mom and Dad” can be as rewarding as the title “King” can convey
There’s the beloved title “Grandpa & Grandma” to look forward to when old and gray

But even if you are single or childless, there’s ONE title ALL can earn
One that only the Lord Himself can bestow…one for which we ALL should yearn
“Good and Faithful Servant”…this title should make our hearts burn

Burn with the desire to be pleasing to the Lord the rest of our days
Be willing to promote JESUS and His saving, loving, forgiving ways
Tell the world how, through ALL their troubles, His GRACE will amaze

Now you ask, What’s so great & important about being a servant?
Putting OTHER’S needs before your own…where’s the payoff? Where’s prosperity’s slant?
The secret is in the ONE you’re serving…NO greater title could anyone grant

No position of power or prestige could ever hope to so fulfill
HIS inner peace & contentment satisfies longings like NOTHING ELSE will
So let that title of “Good & Faithful Servant” be our goal…as we remember Calvary’s hill

Being faithful to the One who agonized & died there…paid OUR salvation’s price
To save all who ask from the punishment for all OUR sin and vice
So it’s our PRIVILAGE to serve Him…we shouldn’t have to think twice

There’ll be a day of ACCOUNTING…a day we’re all moving toward
When our “works” are tried by fire…will they endure & receive a reward?
But the words we long to hear are “WELL DONE, GOOD & FAITHFUL SERVANT! Enter the joy of your Lord”


Marge said…
The last paragraph of your Mom's poem should really make all believers focus on, going about and "doing the works of Jesus." Whatever the Holy Spirit lays upon our hearts/spirits to do. And being obedient to that call.

It's easy to become caught up in all kinds of other good things. But, as you've often said, "is it a God thing, or just a good thing?" Because we will all stand before the Bema seat of Jesus Christ, and have our works in the flesh judged. A sobering thought.

Be sure to thank your Mom for me, and thanks to you, for posting her poems, too!

LisaShaw said…
"So let that title of “Good & Faithful Servant” be our goal…as we remember Calvary’s hill"

That says it all!

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