The Lord’s Army
By: Maxine M.
Remember some of the SPIRITED old time gospel songs we sang as the organ would play?
Songs like: We’re marching to Zion – I’m bound for the Promised Land one day
Beulah Land – Onward Christian Soldier – Traveling the King’s highway
The words of “I’m in the Lord’s Army” resounded from the rafters many a Sunday
That in this life we’d live & work and follow our Lord…His commands alone obey
That one day, Christians would be together as a united group…the message these songs would convey
As the Lord’s army we’d fight His enemies; His plan of salvation advance
Knowing nobody is WORTHY to be in His Heavenly Regiment, but Grace allows another chance
And He recruits His soldiers from all walks of life & various circumstance
He calls that one orphaned when young, never having known a family’s embrace
That willful rebellious one whose life choices have led them to disgrace
The alcoholic, the addict, the morally destitute, those who for crimes prison will face
Our Sovereign leader recruits from all cultures, nations and religions that exist
Government & social leaders, migrant farm workers, rich and poor…all are able to enlist
By answering His call, all can obtain riches in Heaven they otherwise would have missed
He calls those who were INDIFFERENT to His very existence in times past
Rescues those in the midst of an abusive relationship…now SAFE at last
Even the ABUSER CAN become a good soldier when CHANGE is in the forecast
He searches among those born & raised in a church but haven’t TRULY answered His call
Seeks those drawn away by worldly desires…though they accepted Him when they were small
His patient love & forgiving Grace can bring then back, pick them up and help them stand tall
All these may be recruited to join the army of the Lord’s redeemed
Having been BOUGHT back from sin’s domination…once considered hopeless it seems
For His eyes see the world as a ripe harvest field ready to be gleaned
Since there’s no place too low, dark or depraved where His call can not be heard
No life too damaged that it can not be salvaged by His holy word
No heart or conscience too hardened that it can not be softened before death has occurred
Now to ASSUME you are in This Army by you good deeds is ABSURD
Or because you have family that has joined…don’t think enlistment for you has been assured
NO!! Only by YOUR answering the call…only when YOUR heart is stirred
When YOU willingly submit to Him…confession & repentance will come like a flood
A refrain in one old song says…Some come through the water, some through the mud
Some through the fire…but ALL through the BLOOD
So we see THIS is the only qualification to join this Satan fighting group
Not a perfectly LIVED GOOD life, but accepting that by His death our souls He could recoup
Because the multitudes of His army are as diverse as a well blended soup
And they’re ready to follow His commands…stamp out the EVIL seen in our days
For Satan is a FORMIDABLE foe…a roaring lion ready to devour the one who strays
He knows His time is SHORT, so he’s redoubling his insidious ways
So, have YOU heard the Commander’s call? Ready for the rigors army life will demand?
Another old song says…Won’t you come & go WITH Me, I’m bound for the Promised Land
Come!! Be on the WINNING side…in spite of today’s battle, the eternal future will be oh, SO GRAND
By: Maxine M.
Remember some of the SPIRITED old time gospel songs we sang as the organ would play?
Songs like: We’re marching to Zion – I’m bound for the Promised Land one day
Beulah Land – Onward Christian Soldier – Traveling the King’s highway
The words of “I’m in the Lord’s Army” resounded from the rafters many a Sunday
That in this life we’d live & work and follow our Lord…His commands alone obey
That one day, Christians would be together as a united group…the message these songs would convey
As the Lord’s army we’d fight His enemies; His plan of salvation advance
Knowing nobody is WORTHY to be in His Heavenly Regiment, but Grace allows another chance
And He recruits His soldiers from all walks of life & various circumstance
He calls that one orphaned when young, never having known a family’s embrace
That willful rebellious one whose life choices have led them to disgrace
The alcoholic, the addict, the morally destitute, those who for crimes prison will face
Our Sovereign leader recruits from all cultures, nations and religions that exist
Government & social leaders, migrant farm workers, rich and poor…all are able to enlist
By answering His call, all can obtain riches in Heaven they otherwise would have missed
He calls those who were INDIFFERENT to His very existence in times past
Rescues those in the midst of an abusive relationship…now SAFE at last
Even the ABUSER CAN become a good soldier when CHANGE is in the forecast
He searches among those born & raised in a church but haven’t TRULY answered His call
Seeks those drawn away by worldly desires…though they accepted Him when they were small
His patient love & forgiving Grace can bring then back, pick them up and help them stand tall
All these may be recruited to join the army of the Lord’s redeemed
Having been BOUGHT back from sin’s domination…once considered hopeless it seems
For His eyes see the world as a ripe harvest field ready to be gleaned
Since there’s no place too low, dark or depraved where His call can not be heard
No life too damaged that it can not be salvaged by His holy word
No heart or conscience too hardened that it can not be softened before death has occurred
Now to ASSUME you are in This Army by you good deeds is ABSURD
Or because you have family that has joined…don’t think enlistment for you has been assured
NO!! Only by YOUR answering the call…only when YOUR heart is stirred
When YOU willingly submit to Him…confession & repentance will come like a flood
A refrain in one old song says…Some come through the water, some through the mud
Some through the fire…but ALL through the BLOOD
So we see THIS is the only qualification to join this Satan fighting group
Not a perfectly LIVED GOOD life, but accepting that by His death our souls He could recoup
Because the multitudes of His army are as diverse as a well blended soup
And they’re ready to follow His commands…stamp out the EVIL seen in our days
For Satan is a FORMIDABLE foe…a roaring lion ready to devour the one who strays
He knows His time is SHORT, so he’s redoubling his insidious ways
So, have YOU heard the Commander’s call? Ready for the rigors army life will demand?
Another old song says…Won’t you come & go WITH Me, I’m bound for the Promised Land
Come!! Be on the WINNING side…in spite of today’s battle, the eternal future will be oh, SO GRAND