Consider the Evidence, my Atheistic Friend By: Maxine M. Are you one who puts the subject of God as far as you can from your mind? You’re considered a “good” person but towards anything religious or spiritual you’re not inclined Seeing so much hurt and injustice all around, IF there is a God, He must be blind Something happened when you were young…something you could never accept or understand A hurt so deep that couldn’t possibly have happened if a sovereign God was in command A victim in childhood…of life’s ever insidious destructive demands So you hardened your heart & rejected even His very existence You laugh at those who pray to this FATHER with devoted persistence Thinking you’ll be less vulnerable if you never expect Divine assistance But stop!! Just LOOK in the mirror & think…give a reasonable explanation if you can To whatever theories YOU have as to the origin of man Because human existen...
My mom Maxine's original poems and prose to PRAISE God and to help bring others to the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! Soon, and very Soon the Lord will call us who are saved to "Come up here" when His church will be Raptured. Personally, I can't wait!