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Consider the Evidence, my Atheistic Friend
By: Maxine M.

Are you one who puts the subject of God as far as you can from your mind?
You’re considered a “good” person but towards anything religious or spiritual you’re not inclined
Seeing so much hurt and injustice all around, IF there is a God, He must be blind

Something happened when you were young…something you could never accept or understand
A hurt so deep that couldn’t possibly have happened if a sovereign God was in command
A victim in childhood…of life’s ever insidious destructive demands

So you hardened your heart & rejected even His very existence
You laugh at those who pray to this FATHER with devoted persistence
Thinking you’ll be less vulnerable if you never expect Divine assistance

But stop!! Just LOOK in the mirror & think…give a reasonable explanation if you can
To whatever theories YOU have as to the origin of man
Because human existence cannot be denied…living out a normal life-span

But WHERE did it start? How DID this complex body of ours come to be?
And don’t the very heavens declare that a Divine Creator created you & me?
The earth and all that’s above or beneath it…all the beauty in nature we can see

Is your theory EVOLUTION, a cosmic explosion or a mutation of a cell?
But how could CHANCE make man DIFFERENT from an animal? Diverse species distinctly excel
Was it luck or fate that put the sun in the sky…established a conscience as well

How could an accident or single cell organism have brought all this into being?
All those theories require SOMETHING to start with…are you still disagreeing?
Only an all POWERFUL OMNIPOTENT God can create from NOTHING…the universe all agreeing

How could an unplanned event establish veracity, truth and wisdom?
Where could the higher complex thought process of humans come from?
If we evolved from apes, WHY are there still apes…wouldn’t they all have had to succumb?

Do your theories explain how a baby grows & moves in the womb?
How the seasons come and go and, at an APPOINTED time, the wild flowers bloom
Doesn’t it all indicate a “MASTER PLAN”…this constant renewal of life that we will resume?

So the Creator says, “You have NO reason NOT to believe in Me, just look at the sky
Search for Me!! Seek My face, you’ll find Me if you sincerely try
Accept My Gift of Grace, become My child anytime BEFORE you die

During those “HARDTIMES” you MISSED the message they were to convey
They were meant to show YOUR NEED of Me…BUT you went the other way
Just as the same warm sun melts butter but hardens clay

That pain, hurt and disappointment in your life…your humiliation at which cruel people would laugh
My own Son suffered that and MORE to die at Calvary…die on YOUR behalf
The sinless Son GIVEN for sinful man…at Adam’s fall, THIS the plan I would draft”

Now could THAT be the reason you didn’t want to think about Him at all
It was easier to say He doesn’t EXIST than to respond to His inviting call
To face personal sin & short comings…PRIDE has built up a defensive wall

Easier to say “I know I’ll die one day, but like a dog…just be in OBLIVION forever”
Ignoring that man has an IMORTAL soul…that we’ll live on, ceasing never
Uninformed that there’s a Judgment Day when the Lord will judge our every endeavor

So do you see how foolish it is to avoid a God who WILL have the last say?
BUT you are determined you are right…what a dangerous game to play!!
Now JUST for argument’s sake, let’s say you’re right & we both die one day

If you’re right & I’m wrong, we’ll just enter one long dark endless undiscerning night
But, OH the awful, dreadful anguish of an eternal Judgment plight
For there is NO 2nd chance…if YOU’RE WRONG & I’M RIGHT!!


Marge said…
PRAISE GOD for a great delivery of a new baby in your family! And congrats to you, as a new Grandmother, too! Also congrats to your daughter and her husband! And your husband, as well :) Wow! Birth is such a miracle! God IS so good!

I know you are excited! I still remember the birth of my first grandchild. Christine. 18 years ago, on April 9th. Both births in April :)

Be sure to let me know the name of your new addition, okay? And many thanks for letting me know too!

God bless your newest little one! I'm looking forward to your Mom writing about the experience! Congrats to your parents, too!

And God bless your family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Many thanks for letting me know! I really do appreciate it.

Marge said…
What a little doll!
Thanks Judy, for the pictures!

May God bless you, and your entire family!

Love to you all,

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