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Showing posts from June, 2009
Satan’s Workshop By: Maxine M. One day two little demons were just “hanging out”…one was named Ike and the other Joe When Ike dared to say “Let’s sneak into Satan’s workshop since he’s out walking to & fro Just how he deceives so many people, I’d like to know” Later, as they entered this ULTIMATE den of evil, apprehension strongly grew In awe, they gazed about at all the destructive weapons there for them to view They knew their leader was powerful, but just how diabolic, they hadn’t a clue Arrows of ANGER & ADVERSITY, poisonous tipped darts of DOUBT lined the wall For at a vulnerable moment in a believer’s life, a victim to these can fall An entire arsenal of ADDICTIONS, idols of INDULGENCES, HEARTACHES to install Bags of BLAME, boxes of BURDENS, daggers of DISTRACTIONS…carnal weapons all Selfishness, cowardice, panic, fear…to be worn like an old woolen shawl Stumbling blocks marked pride, lust, greed, envy & gossi...
Remembering Father By: Maxine M. Another Father’s Day has arrived…a time when tribute and honor should be paid A reminder of “father qualities”…not letting their special attributes fade Regardless if they are still among us or in the cool earth laid Fathers come in a vast assortment of size, temperament and individual personalities…all as God made All possess various abilities & talents…some applaud from the side-lines, some lead the parade But each passed on their family’s traits and qualities you’d never trade So how do YOU remember Dad when memories of him start to invade? What’s foremost in your mind? Was he one to come to your aid? Was he a person who kept you feeling safe and unafraid? The strong leader of the family…providing for their every need? Teaching his special skills…everyone is good at something experts have agreed What do you re...
Dangerous Future? By: Maxine M. Where does our nation fit in this world’s overall final destination Since we’re surrounded by enemies and the death of Americans brings such elation All would rejoice at our downfall, as we are the “Great Satan” in their estimation They resent our protection of Israel…on the Jew’s elimination their heart is set Rouge nations desire nuclear weapons, so how will we handle the Iran & N. Korea threat? Where do China and Russia REALLY stand…what secret agenda is waiting to be met? Foreign leaders increasingly treat us with blatant disdain Relationships with once close allies we’ve seen clearly wane Seems like we face the WORLD alone, creating an economic & military strain War is raging on different fronts while Arabs manipulate the price of oil Not since WWII has the entire world seemed like a pot about to boil Along side the foreign & domestic terrorists plotting to KILL on our very own soil Doesn’t danger lurk from “RELIGIONS” that promote going...