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Satan’s Workshop
By: Maxine M.

One day two little demons were just “hanging out”…one was named Ike and the other Joe
When Ike dared to say “Let’s sneak into Satan’s workshop since he’s out walking to & fro
Just how he deceives so many people, I’d like to know”

Later, as they entered this ULTIMATE den of evil, apprehension strongly grew
In awe, they gazed about at all the destructive weapons there for them to view
They knew their leader was powerful, but just how diabolic, they hadn’t a clue

Arrows of ANGER & ADVERSITY, poisonous tipped darts of DOUBT lined the wall
For at a vulnerable moment in a believer’s life, a victim to these can fall
An entire arsenal of ADDICTIONS, idols of INDULGENCES, HEARTACHES to install

Bags of BLAME, boxes of BURDENS, daggers of DISTRACTIONS…carnal weapons all
Selfishness, cowardice, panic, fear…to be worn like an old woolen shawl
Stumbling blocks marked pride, lust, greed, envy & gossip lay strewn down the hall

On a desk was a big ornate book titled “Lies”, authored by their unrighteous master
For every lie he’s ever used to help destroy man…anything to bring disaster
He’s written it down for future reference…help to spread his agenda FASTER

The workshop was in darkness…the “special” environment evil likes to lurk, out of sight
But in a showcase marked “DISGUISES” was a garment all shimmering and bright
Look!! Joe exclaimed, Satan wears that when PRETENDING to be an angel of light

A “false shepherd” costume, cleaned & neatly pressed, was hanging alongside
His infamous “Lion” disguise, used to SNAG sheep too dumb to hide
Plus his OFTEN worn cloak of vice, stained with impurity, perversity…anything that will DIVIDE

A corner held picks and shovels… “these are for digging PITS”, Joe would declare
Pits of despair filled with gloom…those hopeless sad thoughts that there’s no one to care
Infiltrating with despondence, dragging them down…often beyond repair

Be it boulder sized battles or the pebbles of perils I’ve seen him use
To get believers to COMPROMISE…accept the popular worldly views
Or compare their gifts & talents to others, so feeling of self condemnation abuse

Then he has gained a foothold in their life…which CAN lead to severe backsliding
Thus stopping the Gospel’s advancement…perhaps gaining those souls they were guiding
Since CONFUSION & INSECURITY occur when good & evil forces end up colliding

Oh Joe!! Look at this tool...I’ve heard it’s a very effective device
It’s IGNORANCE of biblical TRUTH and thinking religious ceremony with suffice
Believing you can live as you want…as long as you treat SOME people nice

A sign on the door read “End time Weapon”…the ultimate lie
Oh, I’ve heard this is truly the Imitator’s master piece! Joe would cry
It’s the PREPARED body of Anti-Christ, just waiting for the RIGHT mortal to occupy

Because he’ll be sent to unite the world behind our master one day
He’ll be able to garner all unbelievers…once those Christians have been raptured away
Leading to a final battle at Armageddon…our “prince of darkness” confident he’ll win the fray

But Ike, do we really have a chance? How can we possibly win?
Since Jesus Himself will be commanding His army of angels and the redeemed among men
Remember how at the dawn of creation, WE foolishly followed Lucifer and his prideful sin?!

I recall the Almighty Creator declaring…All fallen angels would be sentenced to a fiery pit
All because Satan was DETERMINED that on a HIGHER throne he should sit
But now he’s sworn to take with him as many souls as he sees fit

Now, the story shows Joe & Ike’s fate was SEALED by their decision to follow Satan long ago
But our life doesn’t need to be surrendered to that fearful fiendish foe
Decide today!! To reject & resist this hideous villain and his inevitable descent to the abyss below

For by USING GOD’S TOOLS of unconditional love, enduring wisdom, undeserved Grace
His protecting Truth, mercy, eternal hope & optimism embrace
For there will come a day when Satan’s weapons are ELIMINATED without a trace


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