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Remembering Father
By: Maxine M.

Another Father’s Day has arrived…a time when tribute and honor should be paid
A reminder of “father qualities”…not letting their special attributes fade
Regardless if they are still among us or in the cool earth laid

Fathers come in a vast assortment of size, temperament and individual personalities…all as God made
All possess various abilities & talents…some applaud from the side-lines, some lead the parade
But each passed on their family’s traits and qualities you’d never trade

So how do YOU remember Dad when memories of him start to invade?
What’s foremost in your mind? Was he one to come to your aid?
Was he a person who kept you feeling safe and unafraid?

The strong leader of the family…providing for their every need?
Teaching his special skills…everyone is good at something experts have agreed
What do you remember the most…his wit & sense of humor or an especially generous good deed?

Perhaps memory brings a hunting or fishing story…a pleasure to recall
Didn’t he seem INVINCIBLE when you were so very small?
Did he teach you how to drive a car, ride a bike or catch a ball?

Those “monsters” under your bed, could his presence quickly slay?
Could just a “LOOK” be administered & you knew you’d better obey?
Were their tears in his eyes when he saw you on your wedding day?

Did he always wear a business suit or over-alls & smell like newly mowed hay?
Perhaps a military man guarding our shores or professional sports he’d play?
Educated in law, art, or music, or was it hard work & hard times that taught him to pray?

Now, biologically we can only have one father…the perfect scenario as a whole
But it’s not a perfect world or time…circumstances provide events beyond our control
Causing many children to seek a substitute to fill the father figure role

Step-fathers, grandfathers, big brothers…those who a child’s life can inspire
Teacher, pastor, boss, neighbor, coach…all suitable for a child to admire
Someone to help & encourage that they CAN obtain the goals they desire

That special male who provided guidance…a solid foundation laid
Instilling hope and confidence, that they CAN climb life’s steep grade
ALL these persons can be honored today for the life changing contributes they made

So no matter what your childhood memories are…wonderful or sad
Of a loving providing father or that of an absent or abusive dad
One responsible for our inner strength or one who to our insecurities would add

Remember, even great fathers still have human faults & flaws
So everyday we need to STOP!! Just give a meditative pause…
Consider our FAULTLESS & INFALLIBLE Heavenly Father…the SOURCE from which all love draws

A giving Father abundant in total mercy, forgiveness & Grace
A Father WORTHY of all adoration, devotion & worship we can embrace
And His children can boast “My Father hung the stars in space”

So He’s the perfect example of what the word FATHER should portray
As you honor those special men in your life for their self-denial and sacrifice today
Love & gratitude to the ULTIMATE Father let your heart convey


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