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Treasure in Earthen Vessel
By: Maxine M.

Recently we watched an old prospector in a late night western show
He never found the big “mother lode” hiding somewhere in the earth below
But a small nugget here, another there, gold dust in his pan made his face glow

Little by little his treasure grew…he knew one day his wealth would be complete
So he built towards that unknown date, undeterred by cold, heat, wind, rain or sleet
Consistently faithful to his task…daily routine simply repeat

But the accumulating treasure wasn’t kept in containers that would attract attention
Lest “WOULD-BE” robbers come and steal his intended old-age pension
But was hidden in ORDINARY inconspicuous places…places he’d never mention

A common sack among his cornmeal & flour, a rusty tin can clearly marked “beans”
Secret places away from prying eyes so as not to tempt evil intended fiends
Any visitor would see him as a “DELUSIONAL DREAMER”…not a man of means

Thinking any real wealth would have to come from a BIG established mining claim
But he’d learned that long-term goals, not instant wealth, is the proper aim
Required hard work & diligence…but was happy & content just the same

The movie was a reminder of how when we accept Jesus, we have access to all His riches in Glory right away
But it’s little by little we discover nuggets of wisdom, knowledge gleaned every time we pray
By trials and testings, new strength and resolve of faith are added day by day

The treasures of patience & perseverance grow when the Heavenly Father says WAIT!!
Reserves of love are compounded when on OTHER’S needs and not our own we concentrate
Peace & serenity greatly increase from the moment of our new-birth date

Every time we, in “Christ-like” fashion, discreetly hold our tongue
Or submit to the Father’s will, letting go of those addictions to which we’ve stubbornly clung
Inner treasure is accumulating…calmly, quietly, unseen & unsung

When fortitude, endurance, generosity are collected they can be used as life dictates
A ready stock-pile of spiritual riches…our very soul can saturate
It may take a lifetime of nugget gathering, but the results will be oh so great!

Now, the bible declares that, we too, like the prospector and his golden substance
Have this treasure in “earthen vessel”…often thought unworthy of a 2nd glance
Created from dust, the vulnerable human body can belie the fact that inside quality can advance

So when we view our fellow man, we may be surprised at the treasure hidden inside
That stooped old man in the nursing home maybe a mighty prayer warrior…his victory’s undenied
The tired looking lady cleaning your office may possess spiritual insight YOU’VE never applied

Perhaps that “plain” potential spouse may in reality be a precious jewel
Whereas the popular, beautiful one could be self-centered, sadistic and cruel
The CONTAINER is unimportant!! For the outward appearance can totally fool

So, is your earthen-vessel becoming weak & frail…youthful beauty fading?
Aches and pains visit daily, strength in a downward spiral cascading
Stay confident in YOUR treasure…not in momentary fame be trading

Now just as the prospector was CERTAIN of the inherent value of all the gold he’d collected
Our acceptance of Jesus as Lord guarantees us a future safe, fulfilled, PROTECTED
With the absolute assurance that our Saviour WILL return on the day our FATHER has selected

And on THAT day, our earthen vessel will be exchanged for one Glorious and new
So either it will return to dust in the grave but with the soul GAINING a heavenly view
Or TRANSFORMED in a moment at the trumpet’s sound, for the rapture is DUE

YES!! This container will be changed…what a wonderful ANTICIPATED hope!
Consider this PROMISE on those days it seems impossible to any longer cope
Remember the importance of our hidden treasure is beyond our limited human scope


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