This was written with the intent of keeping a copy in your pantry or wherever you keep goods. Hoping that if someone who has been left behind breaks in looking for food and shelter, the person will read and be lead to scripture and what to do NOW!
A Message for Those Left Behind
By: Maxine M.
To the one who has entered my home looking to plunder or find shelter & food
I no longer have a need for those THINGS so don’t worry about being sued
And perhaps ANSWERS can be provided for the questions to which your mind must allude
Questions of WHY the world is suddenly in chaos, with events you cannot comprehend
Turmoil, confusion, disorder are reigning…even the scientists cannot pretend
Trying to understand WHAT’S happened…where is your family member or close friend
For they just DISAPPEARED one unsuspecting night not long ago
Bringing bewilderment & uncertainty in the most gigantic proportions the world will ever know
Death!!, is all around…some dying of fright or accidents, many the nightly news will show
But for the REST, how could they just be “GONE” without a trace?
Graves all over the world are OPEN…caskets are just on eerily deserted space
Fear!!, now grips you and all those remaining of the world-wide human race
So, if you are reading this, YOU are one of the millions “LEFT BEHIND”
The ones who didn’t heed Christ’s warnings or His promise to “Rapture” those of a LIKE mind
Those, now MISSING, heard a trumpet’s call…a sound of the most Glorious kind
And were “caught up” to the Saviour…met Him as He waited in the clouds above
Thus, we’ll ever be with the One who died for us…the One we’ve SO come to love
Saving us from the “Hour of Trial”…the future YOU now face…the tomorrow you’re so uncertain of
For soon a new dynamic leader will step forward offering the world a false sense of hope
His demeanor, actions & purpose will SEEM the best source of strength to help you cope
But this message is to WARN you: Following him is a trip DOWN a slippery slope
He will be the cruelest, most brutal, diabolical dictator of whom you’ve ever read
Signs & wonders will be performed, he’ll even survive a deadly wound to the head
Do heartless violent acts, plus, mandatory worship of his image will fill the world with dread
In that light, life may seem hopeless, but God in HIS mercy, offers a 2nd chance
Even in this 7 year tribulation period, He will help you through the most horrendous circumstance
Call out to Him NOW…leave that old sinful life behind, never give it a backward glance
LEARN of the Saviour…the ONE who has loved you since birth, you just never knew
Discern, understand how the very Son of God came to earth to DIE for YOU
He’s still willing to help you on the very difficult path ahead…guide you into what to do
Perhaps you were a “CHURCH GOER”, but just as a social event on your part
You’ve heard the WAY of Salvation before, but never sincerely took it to heart
Thinking, “I’ve done some good deeds…does God keep some sort of record or chart?”
But now you will see things prophesied centuries ago unfold before you’re very eyes
Most around you will simply fold & succumb to this Anti-Christ’s lies
Obediently taking the “Mark of the Beast” (DO NOT TAKE THIS!)… “Now they are forever MINE”, Satan cries
Yes, my friend, the days ahead will be horrifying, ghastly & grim
For this is the judgment God PROMISED when His cup of wrath was filled to the brim
But if you confess your sins, surrender your life, maybe you’ll be privileged to be a martyr for HIM
So why not go NOW, find my Bible…it’s over by my rocking chair
Kneel down, talk things out with your Creator, find peace and forgiveness there
For I guarantee, for what lies ahead, it’s the ONLY way to prepare
A Message for Those Left Behind
By: Maxine M.
To the one who has entered my home looking to plunder or find shelter & food
I no longer have a need for those THINGS so don’t worry about being sued
And perhaps ANSWERS can be provided for the questions to which your mind must allude
Questions of WHY the world is suddenly in chaos, with events you cannot comprehend
Turmoil, confusion, disorder are reigning…even the scientists cannot pretend
Trying to understand WHAT’S happened…where is your family member or close friend
For they just DISAPPEARED one unsuspecting night not long ago
Bringing bewilderment & uncertainty in the most gigantic proportions the world will ever know
Death!!, is all around…some dying of fright or accidents, many the nightly news will show
But for the REST, how could they just be “GONE” without a trace?
Graves all over the world are OPEN…caskets are just on eerily deserted space
Fear!!, now grips you and all those remaining of the world-wide human race
So, if you are reading this, YOU are one of the millions “LEFT BEHIND”
The ones who didn’t heed Christ’s warnings or His promise to “Rapture” those of a LIKE mind
Those, now MISSING, heard a trumpet’s call…a sound of the most Glorious kind
And were “caught up” to the Saviour…met Him as He waited in the clouds above
Thus, we’ll ever be with the One who died for us…the One we’ve SO come to love
Saving us from the “Hour of Trial”…the future YOU now face…the tomorrow you’re so uncertain of
For soon a new dynamic leader will step forward offering the world a false sense of hope
His demeanor, actions & purpose will SEEM the best source of strength to help you cope
But this message is to WARN you: Following him is a trip DOWN a slippery slope
He will be the cruelest, most brutal, diabolical dictator of whom you’ve ever read
Signs & wonders will be performed, he’ll even survive a deadly wound to the head
Do heartless violent acts, plus, mandatory worship of his image will fill the world with dread
In that light, life may seem hopeless, but God in HIS mercy, offers a 2nd chance
Even in this 7 year tribulation period, He will help you through the most horrendous circumstance
Call out to Him NOW…leave that old sinful life behind, never give it a backward glance
LEARN of the Saviour…the ONE who has loved you since birth, you just never knew
Discern, understand how the very Son of God came to earth to DIE for YOU
He’s still willing to help you on the very difficult path ahead…guide you into what to do
Perhaps you were a “CHURCH GOER”, but just as a social event on your part
You’ve heard the WAY of Salvation before, but never sincerely took it to heart
Thinking, “I’ve done some good deeds…does God keep some sort of record or chart?”
But now you will see things prophesied centuries ago unfold before you’re very eyes
Most around you will simply fold & succumb to this Anti-Christ’s lies
Obediently taking the “Mark of the Beast” (DO NOT TAKE THIS!)… “Now they are forever MINE”, Satan cries
Yes, my friend, the days ahead will be horrifying, ghastly & grim
For this is the judgment God PROMISED when His cup of wrath was filled to the brim
But if you confess your sins, surrender your life, maybe you’ll be privileged to be a martyr for HIM
So why not go NOW, find my Bible…it’s over by my rocking chair
Kneel down, talk things out with your Creator, find peace and forgiveness there
For I guarantee, for what lies ahead, it’s the ONLY way to prepare