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Showing posts from December, 2009
Step by Step By: Maxine M. Every plan has a beginning & a completion…THEN we can start the victory celebration Certain STEPS must be taken in between, orderly steps, through out the duration So it’s at Christmas we celebrate the 1st major step in God’s INGENIOUS plan of Salvation For that 1st step was to send His beloved Son…second person of the Trinity To become a human baby…Divinity!! For the world to touch, hear and see A humble birth in tiny Bethlehem, according to Caesar’s census decree Imagine!! The very Creator of the universe dependent now on parental care Growing up as every other child, yet always fully aware Of His Heavenly Father’s PLAN and the terrible burden HE’D be asked to bear But He was patiently obedient to earthly authority, faithful to Jewish cultural tradition Perfectly demonstrating through His teachings God’s love & the hopelessness of the human condition Healed the sick, o...
Wrapped With Love By: Maxine M. Excitement is building as the Christmas celebration draws near Cards are being addressed, parties planned…extending holiday cheer Lights twinkle from trees & roof tops, carols fill the receptive ear People are hurriedly doing errands and there’s cookies & candy to prepare Before long, those traditional holiday movies will once again air Lists are being “checked”, stockings hung, there is a WONDER everywhere Presents are being bought or made, wrapped and carefully placed under the tree The mystery of WHATS inside adds to the excitement, we all agree Recipients sometimes shake them, trying to imagine what in the world could it be Oh, some are wrapped elegantly in shinny paper & lovely big bow So beautiful indeed…big or small, then relatives arrive with even more in tow All designed so that LOVE for one another they clearly will show Now, that beautiful package may contain underw...
My HERO!! By: Maxine M. Ever watch one of those old time melodramas where the characters OVER act? Their dramatic performance prompts us to emotionally react Villain vs. Hero is the usual theme, but the scripts are not exact A distressed young women cries, “Oh please, I cannot pay the rent!” The villain replies, “You MUST pay the rent…down to the last RED cent!” “I CAN’T pay the rent!”, “You MUST pay the rent!”…as the villain refuses to relent And then, without fail, the HERO steps in to SAVE the day Pays what’s owed & sends the villain scurrying on his way “OH!! You are MY Hero!”, the young lady over & over will say Now, the fact that rent was owed was never in dispute And the young women wasn’t EXEMPT because she was charming, witty & cute It was her total inability to pay…her abject poverty, which was so acute In OUR world, there also lurks a villain waiting gleefully for our demise Pride & arr...