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Wrapped With Love
By: Maxine M.

Excitement is building as the Christmas celebration draws near
Cards are being addressed, parties planned…extending holiday cheer
Lights twinkle from trees & roof tops, carols fill the receptive ear

People are hurriedly doing errands and there’s cookies & candy to prepare
Before long, those traditional holiday movies will once again air
Lists are being “checked”, stockings hung, there is a WONDER everywhere

Presents are being bought or made, wrapped and carefully placed under the tree
The mystery of WHATS inside adds to the excitement, we all agree
Recipients sometimes shake them, trying to imagine what in the world could it be

Oh, some are wrapped elegantly in shinny paper & lovely big bow
So beautiful indeed…big or small, then relatives arrive with even more in tow
All designed so that LOVE for one another they clearly will show

Now, that beautiful package may contain underwear & socks…to a child’s dismay
And the “bow-less” one barely held together with too much tape on display
May contain a SPECIAL surprise for which someone had secretly prayed

Thus, in spite of its appearance, both giver & receiver are happily contented
So the moral is don’t judge a gift by the way it’s presented
Anymore than you should a book by its cover or the light of a candle by the way it’s scented

And by the way!! The same is true in people…the outward appearance can fool
That person seemingly talented, handsome, attractive, sophisticated & cool
Perhaps in reality are “empty-headed”, self-absorbed, mean or down right cruel

And that person we categorize as unattractive maybe a jewel with a heart of gold
It’s a person’s true inner-CHARACTER that comes to light as the stresses of life unfold
Charm is deceitful, beauty is passing, but Godly character is lasting declares the proverbs of old

So this year, as you survey the gifts accumulating under the tree one by one
Remember that the first, BEST & Greatest Gift was the Father’s giving of His Son
And He didn’t come wrapped in a soft regal scarlet robe, as generations of royalty have done

But was wrapped in swaddling clothes, rough strips of cloth caressing HOLY skin
A Gift GIVEN out of the Father’s Selfless love for the Salvation of men
The PERFECT gift that keeps on giving for the purpose of many souls to win

Now, the gifts we give are also out of love…if only a mere simple physical token
So, no matter the outward wrapping, its still “I love you” that’s spoken
For they are designed to bring joy & happiness or perhaps heal what’s been broken

Strained relationships, heartaches, loneliness are all erased when love is made clear
And we all BENEFIT from a “TIMELY” word from those we hold dear
So friends, neighbors, loved ones, we wish you a blessed Christmas this year


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