Step by Step
By: Maxine M.
Every plan has a beginning & a completion…THEN we can start the victory celebration
Certain STEPS must be taken in between, orderly steps, through out the duration
So it’s at Christmas we celebrate the 1st major step in God’s INGENIOUS plan of Salvation
For that 1st step was to send His beloved Son…second person of the Trinity
To become a human baby…Divinity!! For the world to touch, hear and see
A humble birth in tiny Bethlehem, according to Caesar’s census decree
Imagine!! The very Creator of the universe dependent now on parental care
Growing up as every other child, yet always fully aware
Of His Heavenly Father’s PLAN and the terrible burden HE’D be asked to bear
But He was patiently obedient to earthly authority, faithful to Jewish cultural tradition
Perfectly demonstrating through His teachings God’s love & the hopelessness of the human condition
Healed the sick, opened blind eyes, offered HOPE for an eternal future in addition
He knew the 2nd step was that soon He’d be severely beaten & falsely accused
Suffer horribly hanging on a cross while most looked on amused
All for the purpose that we NOW have an ESCAPE plan we can choose
Because on that fateful Friday, He GAVE His life for fallen man-kind
Not just Jews, but all who believe and accept…those once spiritually blind
All races, genders, ages can be rescued…their names in the “Book of Life” now signed
But the plan couldn’t have been successful if it had just been another martyr’s death
NO, death had to be defeated, the stone at the tomb, rolled away from INSIDE
The magnificent 3rd step in the plan was a RESURRECTED Saviour…He’s Risen!! they cried
Yes, Risen indeed!! The tomb was EMPTY, Salvation’s plan now complete
In a glorious new body, His faithful followers He soon would greet
Their sorrow and grief was suddenly turned to unbridled joy…OH, so sweet!
Now, the Father also has a plan for the END of the age…when FINAL judgment He will achieve
And the 1st step was Jesus declaring “SOON, I’ll have to leave”
But the Father would send a “Comforter” so they were not to grieve
He also PROMISED…and as the Son of God, they knew He couldn’t lie
The promise was He’d come AGAIN and when they heard a trumpet’s blast on high
They would be “caught up” to Him…be reunited among clouds in the sky
They would receive a new body just like His…everything made brand new
They’d rule and reign with Him, do the things they had seen Him do
Even if they had already fallen asleep, they would still enjoy the spectacular heavenly view
Then at the end of Daniel’s 70th week, on the Mt of Olives, He once again will appear
And pronounce the final demise of Satan…the day that’s been his (Satan’s) greatest fear
Today we can see these final steps in the plan are drawing near
Because just as the plan for His birth, death & resurrection was fully achieved
The plan of Ascension, Rapture & Glorious Reappearing was also from the beginning conceived
To bring back together the Father and all who, since Adam, in Jesus have believed
So are you assured that when The Book is opened, YOUR name is there?!
What better time than Christmas to make SURE…one day receive an abundant share
Of all His Riches in Glory…just as God’s GRACIOUS plan would declare
By: Maxine M.
Every plan has a beginning & a completion…THEN we can start the victory celebration
Certain STEPS must be taken in between, orderly steps, through out the duration
So it’s at Christmas we celebrate the 1st major step in God’s INGENIOUS plan of Salvation
For that 1st step was to send His beloved Son…second person of the Trinity
To become a human baby…Divinity!! For the world to touch, hear and see
A humble birth in tiny Bethlehem, according to Caesar’s census decree
Imagine!! The very Creator of the universe dependent now on parental care
Growing up as every other child, yet always fully aware
Of His Heavenly Father’s PLAN and the terrible burden HE’D be asked to bear
But He was patiently obedient to earthly authority, faithful to Jewish cultural tradition
Perfectly demonstrating through His teachings God’s love & the hopelessness of the human condition
Healed the sick, opened blind eyes, offered HOPE for an eternal future in addition
He knew the 2nd step was that soon He’d be severely beaten & falsely accused
Suffer horribly hanging on a cross while most looked on amused
All for the purpose that we NOW have an ESCAPE plan we can choose
Because on that fateful Friday, He GAVE His life for fallen man-kind
Not just Jews, but all who believe and accept…those once spiritually blind
All races, genders, ages can be rescued…their names in the “Book of Life” now signed
But the plan couldn’t have been successful if it had just been another martyr’s death
NO, death had to be defeated, the stone at the tomb, rolled away from INSIDE
The magnificent 3rd step in the plan was a RESURRECTED Saviour…He’s Risen!! they cried
Yes, Risen indeed!! The tomb was EMPTY, Salvation’s plan now complete
In a glorious new body, His faithful followers He soon would greet
Their sorrow and grief was suddenly turned to unbridled joy…OH, so sweet!
Now, the Father also has a plan for the END of the age…when FINAL judgment He will achieve
And the 1st step was Jesus declaring “SOON, I’ll have to leave”
But the Father would send a “Comforter” so they were not to grieve
He also PROMISED…and as the Son of God, they knew He couldn’t lie
The promise was He’d come AGAIN and when they heard a trumpet’s blast on high
They would be “caught up” to Him…be reunited among clouds in the sky
They would receive a new body just like His…everything made brand new
They’d rule and reign with Him, do the things they had seen Him do
Even if they had already fallen asleep, they would still enjoy the spectacular heavenly view
Then at the end of Daniel’s 70th week, on the Mt of Olives, He once again will appear
And pronounce the final demise of Satan…the day that’s been his (Satan’s) greatest fear
Today we can see these final steps in the plan are drawing near
Because just as the plan for His birth, death & resurrection was fully achieved
The plan of Ascension, Rapture & Glorious Reappearing was also from the beginning conceived
To bring back together the Father and all who, since Adam, in Jesus have believed
So are you assured that when The Book is opened, YOUR name is there?!
What better time than Christmas to make SURE…one day receive an abundant share
Of all His Riches in Glory…just as God’s GRACIOUS plan would declare