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One Door…On Which Side Are You?
By: Maxine M.

God spoke and the universe was created!!...the primeval darkness sent fleeing
The solar system, earth, sea & sky all just came into being
Light was provided by the sun, moon & stars…those we today are still seeing

And He said; let living creatures fill the sea & birds to rule the sky
Animals of every kind, trees and seed bearing plants…all pleasant to the eye
Then, from the dust of the earth, He formed MAN on His very 1st try

A perfect specimen (didn’t take eons of time to finally become “evolved”)
A companion from man’s own body & the problem of loneliness was solved
Abundant food for man & animals the ground provided, UNTIL a curse became involved

Because one day the sin of doubt & disobedience was committed & its eternal consequence was learned
The ground would no longer EASILY yield its produce…by hard work it now would be earned
And, to the man, God declared “Dust thou art and to dust thou shall be returned”

But, unlike the sea creatures, animals, & birds…man, in the very IMAGE of God was made
Thus possessing an ETERNAL soul…a part that will live ON long after the body has decayed
Yes, the body will see the corruption death brings…soon the worms will invade

So, at death, the IMMORTAL soul goes to one of the two places where it will forever reside
Its destination determined by CHOICES made before the body died
ALL will undergo this VITAL test…was, to this soul, the Blood of Christ applied?

Did this soul ACCEPT God’s unconditional love as their PERSONAL gift?
At some point put their future totally in God’s hands…daily in prayer their soul uplift?
OR did they, in their OWN strength, ability & desires, simply through life DRIFT?

At their death, souls passing the test are carried by angels to the presence of their Risen Lord
To WAIT with Him till the Rapture…when their destroyed body will be restored
Death Defeated!! As, in a new INCORRUPTABLE body, all believers will rejoice in one accord

Safely watching as the prophecies of the future unfold
Then spend endless days experiencing the wonder, wisdom & majesty our Heavenly home will hold
Walking in perfect light…no tears or sadness, no aches or pains, no blazing heat or freezing cold

Where as regret, despair & abject loneliness will be forever with those who rejected His call
Those INDIFFERENT or UNCONCERNED…never having considered a LIFE after death at all
For it won’t be JUST criminals & degenerates that enter the “White Throne Judgment” hall

(Because ALL sins can be forgiven if, in TRUE REPENTANCE, they’re admitted and addressed)
No, that final “Lake of Fire” will be full of UNBELIEVERS whose sins went unconfessed
People perhaps considered “GOOD”, generous, helpful people…but still LOST at best

For the SUREST ticket to this HELL of total darkness & torment is an unbelieving heart
Refusing to say “Yes, Lord” I accept that YOUR DEATH for me, Salvation will impart
The verdict at their judgment will be “I never knew you, now from Me depart”

Thus we see the most precious possession we have is our God given soul
Regardless of race, gender, religion, financial status or standing in society as a whole
It’s OUR OWN personal decision that will ultimately control…

Where & what that soul will experience when the closing of life’s door is due
A childhood song comes to mind “One door & only one, YET the sides are TWO
I’m on the inside, on WHICH side are YOU?


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