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Got Those Winter Blues?
By: Maxine M.

Your trip has been cancelled, the meeting rescheduled, school is closed AGAIN
Now the kids are BORED and your day is in a sudden tail-spin
Mail delivery is late and that nasty flu bug just won’t give in

For the country is still in winter’s deadly grip…how much longer can it be?
Days of cold, snow, ice & wind…OH, when will we, warm sunny days, see?
It had to be in winter when the psalmist wrote “Why is my soul cast down and disquieted within me?”

There’s something about sunshine that lifts the spirit high
But day after day of cloudy skies brings fatigue, weariness & a mournful sigh
Emotions plummet downward and we don’t even specifically know why

So, do you have those winter blues…life seems only dull depressing shades of gray?
It’s then we remember God’s UNFAILING promise of resurrection…we’ll see come April or May
Be PATIENT!! The sun will grow stronger…shortly all those effects of winter it will slay

Now, the “seasons” of our LIVES have those darks times also
When stress, loneliness, trouble press against our soul…seems it’s only an ill-wind that can blow
Gloom, discouragement, pessimism trying to push you into a pit of depression below

The anxiety of circumstances can bring you down for days on end
When those around you think you’re fine, but inside, YOU know it’s all pretend
But in the healing LIGHT of the “SON”, all that pain & heartache can mend

For Jesus the Son said, “I am the Light of the world” “Cast all your cares on Me”
“I have answers for your problems” “Come to Me” “I love you unconditionally”
So follow Him, for in His hands are all the resources of Heaven & the power of the Trinity

Through Him, confidence can replace doubt & worry…assurance for fear
Joy & contentment for the anger & bitterness life sometimes may mirror
Once you have INVITED Him into your life, NEW HOPE will appear

He will LIFT those burdens you’ve been trying to carry alone
And quietly listen to what you ask in prayer...soften your heart that was becoming hard as stone
Pull you BACK from the edge of that “PIT”…His everlasting arms now your safety zone

Mistakes of the past will be forgiven, forgotten, diffused in the Son’s glorious light
A Light that now lives inside you, so even the darkest dreary days can be bright
It will fill that empty space…the LONELINESS you may only admit at the hour of midnight

And as surely as Spring WILL arrive on schedule, driving winter away
His promised return WILL happen…the long awaited trumpet call will say…
“Come to Me now!!”…first, those who have fallen asleep, their bodies returned to clay

Then those who are alive will be “CAUGHT UP”, receiving a Spiritual Body along the way
For all those who are HIS, forever in their Saviour’s presence will stay
So, don’t let winter or the woes of life get you down…live in excited expectation every day


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