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Showing posts from June, 2010
The Face of Success By: Maxine M. It’s that time of year when happy graduates throw their hat into the air They are looking ahead…school days will soon be just a memorable affair Everyone will congratulate them on their achievement… “FREEDOM” at last they will declare They will be wished SUCCESS in their future days that lie ahead We will pray they are thoughtful & cautious on the new path they tread And that when facing life’s problems, they’ll recall some wisdom a good teacher said Some will go for an even higher degree, so in the TOP of their field they can participate Others will join the labor force, provide services, or a professional career create All taking their place in society…their personal worth validate But as they FIND that “nitch” in life, consider “what does success look like?!” Is it the business suit or calloused hand, or can both a successful note strike? Is success an Olympic gold...
Look for the Miracles By: Maxine M. Miracles!! Described as things & events impossible for humans to achieve Circumstances that transcend the “normal”…go beyond what our minds conceive Things only the Supreme Being can accomplish and so hard for us to perceive But they are all around us, if we take time to contemplate The earth itself…it’s beauty & how season after season it can regenerate Stop & weigh the wonderful truth that only an almighty God could possible create The universe & how it moves in harmony, kept in place by His all-powerful hand Where the wind comes from and where it goes, how it brings the rain our crops demand The ocean’s current & tides, controlled miraculously by His command Science has uncovered only a portion of the mystery that has existed all along Reflect on music, how a calibration of sound can produce a beautiful song Or the miracle of BIRTH, how tiny cells ...