The Face of Success
By: Maxine M.
It’s that time of year when happy graduates throw their hat into the air
They are looking ahead…school days will soon be just a memorable affair
Everyone will congratulate them on their achievement… “FREEDOM” at last they will declare
They will be wished SUCCESS in their future days that lie ahead
We will pray they are thoughtful & cautious on the new path they tread
And that when facing life’s problems, they’ll recall some wisdom a good teacher said
Some will go for an even higher degree, so in the TOP of their field they can participate
Others will join the labor force, provide services, or a professional career create
All taking their place in society…their personal worth validate
But as they FIND that “nitch” in life, consider “what does success look like?!”
Is it the business suit or calloused hand, or can both a successful note strike?
Is success an Olympic gold metal for running, swimming or how fast you ride a bike?
Is it that BIG paycheck? seems to be the ultimate desire
Does success mean a comfortable “nest egg” so at an early age you can retire?
Or is it fame or powerful position to which you aspire
Dr. Charles Stanley successfully preaches Salvation and Jesus as the Lamb that was slain
But his poor uneducated mother was also a success, as faith’s foundation she had laid
So CIRCUMSTANCES don’t dictate how success is ACHIEVED or maintained
A businessman once crossed the road to avoid the beggar on the street
But the beggar shared with another when he received something to eat
Which man has successfully upheld the “love one another” command Jesus would often repeat?
Two graduates started the same day at a company with a well known name
BOTH worked hard…one worked hard into the night, to be the BEST was his aim
The other did a fine job also, but never missed his son’s ball game
The first one was highly promoted but lost his wife & family along the way
The other made a comfortable living, knowing RIGHT priorities in the end would pay
If success equates peace & contentment, to which man does the term success convey?
Two women were widowed…one was poor, never had an extra dime
But her children knew if there was trouble, they could count on mom every time
The rich one couldn’t understand WHY her neglected son turned to a life of crime
Are you a successful politician if you win by fraud & cheating?
What if people could SEE your true SELF, instead of the SMILE you wear for a greeting?
The successful person doesn’t “PARADE” good deeds…his virtues over & over repeating
Is the face of success seen in being president, C.E.O. or #1 athlete?
Movie star, singer, entertainer recognized & admired by all you meet?
So affluent that you have the ability to easily buy or sell…does that make your success complete?
Since success isn’t in the money or prestige, but the kind of life you’ve led
How much love, helpfulness, kindness, and generosity have you spread?
And how you approach your end of life days…is it with hope or dread?
We need to realize success is obtained by meditation in God’s Word day & night
It will give the strength & courage to LEARN & DO what is right
The Lord has promised His children will PROSPER in His light
For we are successful when others see Christ’s face reflected in our own
Modeling His forgiveness & compassion…understanding our lives are only on loan
Proclaiming the wonderful LOVE His sacrificial death & resurrection have shown
So graduates, OR those looking for a career change to one more fulfilling
I pray that the Lord will guide you…His blue-print for YOUR life instilling
For He’ll walk with us, make us successful IF we are YIELDED & WILLING
By: Maxine M.
It’s that time of year when happy graduates throw their hat into the air
They are looking ahead…school days will soon be just a memorable affair
Everyone will congratulate them on their achievement… “FREEDOM” at last they will declare
They will be wished SUCCESS in their future days that lie ahead
We will pray they are thoughtful & cautious on the new path they tread
And that when facing life’s problems, they’ll recall some wisdom a good teacher said
Some will go for an even higher degree, so in the TOP of their field they can participate
Others will join the labor force, provide services, or a professional career create
All taking their place in society…their personal worth validate
But as they FIND that “nitch” in life, consider “what does success look like?!”
Is it the business suit or calloused hand, or can both a successful note strike?
Is success an Olympic gold metal for running, swimming or how fast you ride a bike?
Is it that BIG paycheck? seems to be the ultimate desire
Does success mean a comfortable “nest egg” so at an early age you can retire?
Or is it fame or powerful position to which you aspire
Dr. Charles Stanley successfully preaches Salvation and Jesus as the Lamb that was slain
But his poor uneducated mother was also a success, as faith’s foundation she had laid
So CIRCUMSTANCES don’t dictate how success is ACHIEVED or maintained
A businessman once crossed the road to avoid the beggar on the street
But the beggar shared with another when he received something to eat
Which man has successfully upheld the “love one another” command Jesus would often repeat?
Two graduates started the same day at a company with a well known name
BOTH worked hard…one worked hard into the night, to be the BEST was his aim
The other did a fine job also, but never missed his son’s ball game
The first one was highly promoted but lost his wife & family along the way
The other made a comfortable living, knowing RIGHT priorities in the end would pay
If success equates peace & contentment, to which man does the term success convey?
Two women were widowed…one was poor, never had an extra dime
But her children knew if there was trouble, they could count on mom every time
The rich one couldn’t understand WHY her neglected son turned to a life of crime
Are you a successful politician if you win by fraud & cheating?
What if people could SEE your true SELF, instead of the SMILE you wear for a greeting?
The successful person doesn’t “PARADE” good deeds…his virtues over & over repeating
Is the face of success seen in being president, C.E.O. or #1 athlete?
Movie star, singer, entertainer recognized & admired by all you meet?
So affluent that you have the ability to easily buy or sell…does that make your success complete?
Since success isn’t in the money or prestige, but the kind of life you’ve led
How much love, helpfulness, kindness, and generosity have you spread?
And how you approach your end of life days…is it with hope or dread?
We need to realize success is obtained by meditation in God’s Word day & night
It will give the strength & courage to LEARN & DO what is right
The Lord has promised His children will PROSPER in His light
For we are successful when others see Christ’s face reflected in our own
Modeling His forgiveness & compassion…understanding our lives are only on loan
Proclaiming the wonderful LOVE His sacrificial death & resurrection have shown
So graduates, OR those looking for a career change to one more fulfilling
I pray that the Lord will guide you…His blue-print for YOUR life instilling
For He’ll walk with us, make us successful IF we are YIELDED & WILLING