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Look for the Miracles
By: Maxine M.

Miracles!! Described as things & events impossible for humans to achieve
Circumstances that transcend the “normal”…go beyond what our minds conceive
Things only the Supreme Being can accomplish and so hard for us to perceive

But they are all around us, if we take time to contemplate
The earth itself…it’s beauty & how season after season it can regenerate
Stop & weigh the wonderful truth that only an almighty God could possible create

The universe & how it moves in harmony, kept in place by His all-powerful hand
Where the wind comes from and where it goes, how it brings the rain our crops demand
The ocean’s current & tides, controlled miraculously by His command

Science has uncovered only a portion of the mystery that has existed all along
Reflect on music, how a calibration of sound can produce a beautiful song
Or the miracle of BIRTH, how tiny cells can generate a complex baby…healthy & strong

A precious new SOUL, uniquely different...unlimited potential each receive
Complete with individual abilities & strengths others can not yet perceive
The body’s innate capability to heal an injury, new soundness achieve

Everyday the miraculous inner workings of our body goes on without any real thought
His gifts of sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste…senses we don’t always appreciate as we ought
Length of our days, PREDETERMINED by the SPECIFIC plan the Creator has brought

So we see miracles as we see our body, the sea, the sky or on an innocent baby’s face
And, WE WHO BELIEVE marvel at the miracle of how GOD came to dwell among the human race
That even in our LOST sinful condition, HIS CHILDREN, in agape love, He’d embrace

As the 2nd person of the Trinity, He walked on & taught from Galilee’s sandy shore
At Mary’s request, jars of water were transformed into wine when He told to pour
Oh, the Bible is FULL of the miracles He performed…life, health and peace restore

In FAITH, we believe that He was crucified, died, was buried, then ROSE from His grave
A wonderful “OPPORTUNITY” to receive the gift of Eternal Life He gave
Death defeated!!, for those who accept the fact that ONLY HE can save

Now, have you taken time to consider the miracles that WILL come in the future days?
How our earthly body, dead or alive, will one day be altered into one that will simply amaze
No longer limited by time or space, Christians will enter the super-natural phase

For only a miracle could raise the dead… “CATCH THEM UP” at a trumpet’s sound
Change!!, those alive, so they experience how the creator of gravity can lift their feet off the ground
Those left behind will not comprehend, since by the law of sin & death they’re still bound

Consider the miracle of how “OUR ADVOCATE” will be able to present US FAULTLESS before the throne
How can that be since ALL have sinned, established our own disobedient tone
But those covered by His blood will be MIRACULOUSLY granted GRACE…His Word has shown

Heaven and Earth will be made NEW…no longer full of death & decay
An eternal life WITHOUT Satan & his alluring tempting tricks every day
Only joy & happiness, totally content with our Saviour…bask in His Glory on display

So look around at the miracles that in our humanness we can behold
Relish the amazing story of Salvation we’ve been told
Watch with GREAT EXPECTATION for all riches of Heaven & walking streets of pure gold


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