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by: Maxine M

We raise early in the morning, before our busy day has begun
Bring our supplications to the Lord, one by one
And often we pray "not my will, by Thine will be done"

But do we really give a conscious thought to what that may entail?
For when we "assume" our will IS His will, we flounder about and fail
Blown around on life's stormy sea, like a sailboat without a sail

For even Jesus prayed this prayer, wanted the trial to go away
Sweat drops of great agony and torment, he would pray
But yielded to His Father's authority; would then willingly obey

Our will brings a "grocery list" of WANTS, calling them a NEED
But sometimes a child's wants are not beneficial, we must concede
Some are even harmful...selfishness, pride & vanity feed

Our will wants to be free of all suffering and pain
He says "It's necessary for now," there'll be sunshine AFTER the rain
And the things now counted as loss, will one day be gain

We prayed for rain on our crops, but hail came
But He met all our financial needs just the same
Teaching always in everything...give Glory to His name

Our will was to stay on the farm, but He said, "City life will do you good."
In wisdom He said, "There will be new things to learn & do," for He knew we could
Turned out a blessing, like we should have known it would

We prayed for sick loved ones but still had to say good-bye
I'm sure as a Father, it grieves Him so to see us cry
But if we ACCEPT HIS WILL, someday we'll understand the why

Our will says power, prestige and money are all a "must"
Money can be stolen, reputation sullied, power guarantee life will be fair & just
So is this really where you want to place your trust?

A job is lost, Please Lord!!, I don't want to move again
I'm settled and comfortable, can't I stay right where I've been?
But He has new faces and new places for you to see...more unbelievers in win

Your team is in the finals, Lord let them be successful in this quest
Parents on the other team are also making this request
God's will and wisdom is equal to this unsolvable test

Lord, will you please change my situation? As I know you can do
He gently says "No, My child, but I'll certainly walk through it with you
I remember how that promise lifted me up... Inner-strength grew

Sometimes our will IS His will, our timing is just off base
Like we say to children, "Just wait"...I still have things to put in place
Waiting isn't easy, but blest we'll be if HIS WILL we embrace

Think back and consider, if to all your prayers He had answered YES
How weak and helpless we'd be, everything in a real mess
Like over-indulged children, never able to handle stress

I'm so glad our Father didn't GIVE IN, but stuck to what He had planned
Didn't listen to our foolish & childlike demand
Before it ever happened, the BIG PICTURE of our future He'd already scanned

Oh! The Joy and Gladness, when BOTH wills walk in perfect harmony
How wonderful when we and our Creator can just simply agree
So seek to make His will, your will...then happiness & contentment you'll finally see

So now we know life's trials come for a reason and to this we can attest
That the loving Heavenly Father ALWAYS knows best
Let that thought comfort you, till we're called to our eternal rest


Chris said…
Beautiful, just beautiful!!
Marge said…
Wow! The only thing better than reading your Mom's poems would be to be able to sing them :) Set to music! Maybe someone will show up here, that could do just that! Wouldn't that be great!

I appreciate your comments on Joel's, and child of the King's Blogs, soooo much! You are such a blessing to us all! And it was sweet of you to cheer her up this evening. I believe she's a bit down, about Joel's Blog. But, with prayer, things turn around, too :) Hey, I'm a bit 'bummed' about Joel's Blog, right now, too.

Love you! And may God continue to bless you, and yours, too :)

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