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:by Maxine M

We're waiting!! In excited anticipation, all Christians are waiting
We're waiting while the world is busy fighting, killing and hating
Global warming, individual rights, world politics...they are all debating

We're waiting for a trumpet to sound, perhaps in the middle of the night
Maybe in rush hour traffic, or for some could happen in mid-flight
The rapturous disappearance of so many, will create confusion & terrible fright

The signs are looking good and soon all will be in place
We'll finally see our Glorious Saviour face to face
Be part of the Great Gathering in the sky, from every tribe, tongue and race

But WHILE we are waiting, there's still work that must be done
We don't want Him to find us idle, standing around looking sorrowful and glum
Life goes on daily; problems and situations must be dealt with one by one

We must still go to work, feed our families and pay our bills
Keep our appointments, go VOTE and fight against social ills
Like abortion...try stopping this holocaust of the blood this procedure spills

There are abused children we need to help and protect
And the elderly...often victims of just plain neglect
Help a broken family, help the members reconnect

And until the "change" comes, we're stuck with the body that now exists
It still needs nutrition, exercise, & rest, unhealthy temptations...resist
Those aches and pains, for now, are going to persist

Like children, we don't like to wait & can even make a disgruntled sound
But we need to keep busy, Search His Word for TRUTH not yet found
And chances to share the that Christ's love more than abounds

Now don't worry & fret about missing the trumpet's awesome blast
Even the dead will hear the Shout!! "Hallelujah, at long last!"
Only those "left behind" won't hear this sound's world-wide broadcast

They will be left in turmoil, wondering what will be our fate?
Blindly follow the "one", whose words comfort and hope will reinstate
Only later will it be shown, this "Beast" is really full of hate

We'll see it all from above, for in this tribulation we won't participate
Thankful we've made our Great Escape, now safe at Heaven's Gate
So in waiting, don't be know our Father won't be late

For the Father hadn't told even the Son, the exact hour, time or date
Pray there's still time to rescue that friend, co-worker or mate
So it's with Great Expectation that WE WAIT!!


Marge said…
It was so great to see this posted on Joel's Blog! The 'timing' was excellent :)

Did you finish the Dr. LaHaye book, on temperments yet? I was kinda waiting to see how well you like the book, and also for your 'take' on it, etc.

Today I bought another book by one of my favorite authors. Davis Bunn, entitled, Imposter. (Christian fiction) I've just gotten into it, and is it EVER good! I figured that since I had to go into see the Doctor today, it would be a good thing, LOL. And as it turned out, it was an excellent plan. (I've been put on meds for high blood pressure. Ah, it ain't THAT high, but she says it is, etc., etc., etc.) Oh well, I shouldn't complain, I suppose.
Anyhow, thanks for another great poem from your mom!

Love you, and God bless, too!
Marge said…
Seriously, what did you think about the book? Or have you read it yet, I suppose should be my question, LOL.

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