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by: Maxine M. .....(in memory of a family friend who went HOME to the Father and left behind a huge family array of "steps" "adopteds" "in-laws " (and some OUT-laws! ha) "just like family" etc etc. behind. All family...

Family!! Doesn't just mean parents, children, sisters, and brothers
Because there's also extended families & blended families, which include many others
And then there's God's family, ALL those who love Him and one another

Family can mean ALL those with similar memories to share
That special Christmas, a wild card game, a picnic at a lake somewhere
Even ancestors in the photo album with high-button collars to wear

Mid-summer reunions, gatherings at the park, fabulous "potluck" cuisine
New baby pictures, passed around by all to be seen
Mother's keeping a watchful eye, admonishing "Please stay clean"

Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, can fill childhood memories to the brim
Recalling the fun times, brings a smile when life turns serious and grim
God made "different" branches on the family tree, but ALL in the image of Him

Memory is God's gift to be cherished, relived in our mind, one by one
To ease sadness, when a loved one's time here on Earth is done
So let memories lift the spirit when it's so easy to dispair, succumb

But, now, FAMILY can also mean those recently joined to the family band
Life brings us together with people & situations as God has planned
"Blending" through marriage, lives and personalities...a family can grow and expand

Those we care for, watch over, and protect...these, "FAMILY" can also be defined
Solid & enduring friendships over a lifetime make us all one family combined
Shared joy, happiness, heartaches & troubles... leaves lives intertwined

So we see "family ties" can be strong without shared blood or natural birth
But, it's the love and acceptance of what others are truly worth
These people (God in His wisdom) brought together as a family here on Earth

Consequently, when a family member is lost, we all feel the pain
As family, we offer support and comfort...knowing unexpressed feelings can be a terrible drain
By pooling emtional resources, new strength each can gain

So, as every family has lost loved ones over the life demands
Can be lost at ANY age, young or old, we need to commit them all to the Father's hands
But, "reconnect" to the family still here...strengthen the family bond's strands


Judy Girl,

She did it again! Does she know how much her poems mean to so many of us?

She brings God right into our room where he enfolds us in His arms as we read the words He has given to her to share with His family.

They are always so uplifting, and comforting.

I love her dearly and can hardly wait to meet her up yonder.

Love and hugs to you and yours.
Marge said…
What a blessing your Mother's poems are, for everyone! Because everyone can relate, in one form or another, being with our families. Even if they're small, like mine. I belive with all my heart, that the family unit is one of God's greatest gifts to all of us. And then, when we accept Jesus into our hearts and lives, we ALL have a large family :) Praise God!

I know you enjoy Joyce Meyer books, too. And I gotta tell you, that, Me, and My Big Mouth, is a fantastic message about Faith, and how to operate in Faith. Oh yeah. And how to allow God to keep a guard over our mouths, and communications. I believe anyone would benefit from reading it, and I know that I certainly did. So much so, that I plan to re-read it in the very near future :) Also, her first novel, The Penny, is excellent! It's based on her life, and her abusive childhood. And it's got a very good story line, as well. Very well done. Anyhow, you know we both enjoy reading, a lot.

Talking about lines from movies, on, child of the King's Blog. I just remembered one line today, in fact, in the Nutrition Dept., as I was talking to the new Gal. She told me that our Manager was saying one thing, and doing another, etc. And then she told me, that no one was scheduled to Close tonight! (she left at 7 P.M., and the store closes at 11 P.M., so even when you 'Close' the store is open for another hour, and the place can still get somewhat trashed.) But 7 P.M.? So, I just blurted out, (from, A Fish Named Wanda) the line, where the English woman says, about her husband, "Well! I do believe he's gone completely mental!" Of course, in the English accent, etc. At any rate, she hadn't seen the movie, ......but I assured her it WAS FUNNY! Ah well, you can apreciate the humor, at least. However, there is one thing that's coming speedily to light. And that is that our Manager has some undealt with 'issues.' Funny enough, our Grocery Store Line is up For Sale, at the moment. Perhaps if it sells, the new Owners might be a bit more conservative in their Management? God only knows, because as it stands right now, as long as Sales are up, and such, there isn't much accountability on Managers conduct with their staff. Which is pretty much a thing of the past, in many businesses. Of course, our Manager is quite good at covering her tracks, so to speak. But she has had quite a trackrecord, and there are still employees around who have transfered to other Depts., because of the actions of this woman. It's in my heart for her to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus, but she may be held accountable, sometime, for her actions, too. I wish her no ill, however. But, it's something to think about, in the future. As my Mom always used to tell me......'be sure your sins will find you out.' Although, it still didn't detour me from skipping a lot of school,......but I did repent a lot, LOL. I know, I'm BAD!

Enjoy the 4th of July, and I'm looking forward to reading all about your trip, and such, too :)

Love you, and God bless! Tell your Mom, hello, too :)
Oh Judy,

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your family, each and every one is gorgeous. (I can't see Don very well, it is too dark for me.)

Both of your daughters are so, so pretty. They look a lot alike.

Maxine, looks much younger than I had imagined. She has a smile that makes me feel that I could lose myself in it. I can see your Dad smiling, but it is hard for me to see him very easily. I need a bigger picture. Same of Steve and Beamer. I'm not fussing at you, they all make me feel jubilant, I just can't get all the detail.

You are a doll!
Marge said…
What a nice looking family you have,......and you are soooo cute! What do you mean, you're not purdy? (God will 'get you' for lieing :) LOL. Just kidding, as you look as sweet and dear as you really, truly are, you 'little stinker!' And thanks for a really, REALLY nice surprise :) Now those kinda surprises I can deal with every day!
God bless you and your family! Love ya!
Marge said…
I loved the new pictures, and you're VERY pretty!
Also these pictures came thru much clearer :) Smart, and pretty! A great combination!
Love ya!

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