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by: Maxine M

Life outside the sheepfold must be wonderful, the little lamb determined
A young "adventurous" lamb...for this story's sake, let's just call him Herman
Born into a flock with a loving shepherd, who spoke fluent German

The flock fed on rolling green hills. "Come, Investigate!!", to Herman they seemed to call
Calling, beckoning, alluring of better things beyond the restraining wall
He wondered, pondered what was missing? Now, the others didn't seem discontent at all

They blindly obeyed the voice of the shepherd, this one they came to know
They stayed by his side...which ever way he turned, there they would go
Following him to green pastures and cold clear mountain streams, running slow

BUT Herman thought, surely beyond these hills there's something more
So he harbored secret desires to leave the flock and go explore
Someday I'll go see it all!, was the vow he firmly swore

One day, Herman lagged behind when the shepherd was leading to a new feeding ground
It wasn't deliberate, just lingering here and an extra nibble there...Suddenly the shepherd couldn't be found
Herman was all by himself, as the other 99 had followed the shepherd's soothing sound

Well!! thought Herman, this must be the day I've been waiting for
I'll just find my OWN way, see what lies in store
Jubilantly, he tastes this and wonders there...freedom made his spirit soar

Eventually the sun was setting and soon it was totally black
In the distance there was lightening and he heard thunder, a coyote howled, a dog began to bark Maybe this adventure WASN'T such a merry lark

His stomach began to hurt from the clover he'd overindulged in eating
Danger seemed everywhere, he could hear his own heart wildly beating
The security he'd always known with his shepherd was quickly retreating

Then rain came, leaving him soaked and cold...anxiety began to grow
If only I COULD go home, he thought, but the WAY home he didn't know
In his misery, he would make a bleating sound...soft and low

THEN!! Suddenly, two strong arms were lifting him into the air
Herman couldn't believe it!!, the shepherd was really there!
"I've searched for you, Herman", the shepherd said with profound love and care

The rain had stopped as Herman safely rode on the shepherd's back
"You know, Herman", He said "You could have been some coyote's snack"
YES, Herman thought, so thankful he'd been found...never again would he wonder off track

Now, what can we learn from "Herman's Misadventures" we just heard
For we ALSO have a Master (Shepard of our Soul) from whom we can be lured
Like Herman, simply drift away, not realizing what has just occurred

The busyness and temptations of life can draw us from His side
Forgetting that DAILY time with HIM keeps us walking stride for stride
If we neglect His Word, how can everyday situations, be applied

It's such a nice day, think I'll just relax...even skip church today
That new movie is rated "R", but it's a "must see" all my friends say
We all, like sheep, can be led astray

I just heard some "news" I know the girls at work will love to hear
What darling shoes!! I promise, I'll start tithing NEXT year
The boss is in a shady deal, I'd better play along...he's made that clear

A little compromise here, a little self-justification & hypocrisy there
Often joined by distraction and apathy, a very dangerous pair
Suddenly, the Shepard is no longer in sight...were totally unaware

So now, if, like Herman, you find yourself in the dark filled with fear
Realizing danger from the "ultimate predator" is very near
CRY OUT!! to our Good Shepard, even the softest cry He will hear

He'll come to us, rescue us from that "roaring lion" & his worldly charms
The Shepherd's all knowing heart is listening for our cries of alarm
Then, we'll be safe once more in the Shepherd's everlasting arms


Oh Judy,

This is the best one yet. I guess. I just love them all.

I hope you post this one on Joel's too.

Give your Mom a big thank you from me.

Love you all lots
Katherine Hall said…
Hi Judy,

The middle girl is Eva Karin. Those are my twin sister Karin's girls. So you think Eva Karin looks like me? No one has ever said that before. :) I'm still working on my brother's wedding pics and then I have another wedding shoot on Sat. Busy summer.

Love to you!

ps...My husband is doing amazingly well. He is a new man! Still sore but doing great. He walks faster than I do now. I can't keep up with him!
blogawakening said…
Mission accomplished Judy. Thanks so much. Truly an example of loving your neighbor as yourself. I think in one day's time we found a use for the tickets you purchased. We were approached last year with a request from a counselor to bring a group of kids from the Joe Gibbs Youth for Tomorrow organization to the Awakening festival. The kids at this 'school' come from off the streets of the Virginia court system and given a second chance with good Christian teaching and counceling parents. They called us two days before the festival and we could only handle a million things, not a million and one.

I think we will send them some tickets this year. Compliments of Judy! I'll get some updates on this year's festival out there soon.

God Bless, Mike
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