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What If
by: Maxine M

We're waiting for Jesus to come back, as He said in His final decree
Excitedly thinking!!, Soon His glorious face we'll see
But "what if"!! He sent His angels in disguise just to see what our response would be

St. Frances of Assisi met a leper, back in the days when leprosy wasn't rare
He walked by, then went back to hug him...God's love to share
But moments later, when he looked back, there was no one there

Tired and weary, 2 disciples met a stranger on the dusty Emmaus Road
They didn't recognize the face as Jesus, but welcomed Him into their abode
"What if" they had simply let Him go on His way...they still would have had a heavy load

The Inn-keeper didn't realize the King of Glory he had just turned away
Lot was concerned about what would happen to "Strangers" at the end of the day
Peter thought he was dreaming when angels opened the prison door, said "leave without delay"

Neither can we recognize God's angels by the color of their skin
When disguised as, yellow, red white, nor short, heavy, tall or thin
"What if" they were sent to see if we, over the sin of

"What if" that homeless person we just avoided on the street
Was really sent by God, to test if our heart was generously complete
Do we consider ourselves so far above...too proud to even greet?

"What if" we could see His Image in the prisoner on death row
Would we be moved with compassion? for the unlovable, show
Would we make an effort to show the Gospel before the final blow

Love your neighbor!! That's easy with the little gray haired lady next door
The cranky neighbor across the THAT's a real chore
But "what if" you treated him as Jesus?...a possibility to explore

Jesus was "different", some considered Him mad or demon possessed
Most didn't look close enough to see how their lives could have been blessed
So when we label some as "weird", are we really failing His test?

How do we respond to the elderly, the handicapped, those terminally ill
"What if" we were to see them as angels, sent to do His will
Sent to test OUR love & sincerity...our commitment to Him fulfill

Perhaps that annoying co-worker is a messenger from God in earthly disguise
Just to see if you're willing to listen to their desperate cries
Take time to tell them of the them understand life's whys

Jesus fed the hungry crowd because He knew they had a physical need
Can we do any less? Give SOMETHING...the less fortunate, feed
"What if" that old man on the bus represents Jesus, waiting to see if His lonliness you'll heed

Or, reach out to the disabled, the neglected child, a soldier disfigured in war
The parent who now lives in yesterday, the stranger who comes to your door
The unwed mother, the addict, the atheist, and so many more

Like the drunk lying in the gutter, whose future is uncertain and grim
Do we recoil in disgust, get all proper and prim
Forgetting ALL these are created in the IMAGE of HIM

Because Jesus said...the way you treat them is the way you treat me
Your love for these is really the way you love me, don't you see?
When you give to them, you're actually giving to me...this is love's decree

So while we listen for the trumpet & look for Him in the clouds far above the ground
Take a moment each day, to STOP, simply look around
You may be whose face HIS IMAGE can be found


Marge said…
Hey, I think this one should be some Pastor's sermon!

As the WWJD, OR how would Jesus act? Especially being 'lovely' to the 'un' lovely, as your Mom's poem points out, etc. I believe, with all my heart, that these circumstances often come to Believers, and Jesus is watchng to see how we act. It's really something that we need to meditate on, and pray about, to allow our lights shine, as beacons, in a dark, fallen world.

Thank you, for sharing these wonderful poems with us, too! Everytime I see that you've said another poem is listed, I hop over to your Blog, for more inspiration!

Love to you, your Mom, and family! And a BIG God bless you, too!
kinderquilt said…
Judy, Judy, Judy!
My, but that is a beautiful poem your mom wrote! It really made me think...thanks for sharing her stuff! I'll be lurking... K
Marge said…
Well, I'm hoping you're home, safe and sound by now. And if not now, in a day, or so :) And I also hope you had a wonderful time with your family! How cool is THAT, anyhow! (I come from a small family, so not very large events, with us :) You'll have to be sure to fill us in on all the details, when you're settled back in, and such, okay?

I'm going over to, child of the King's Blog, and tell all about my 'lawn adventures,' LOL! Hey, what can I say? I'm easily amused, hee, hee!

Love you, you little cheerleader you! Your energy is contagious, and I hope I 'catch' lots of it!
God's best to you and yours, too!
Katherine Hall said…
Thanks for dropping by Shutterblog Judy. It's been a very busy summer for me. Wedding and family shoots, company, my husband's surgery. More company is arriving and then I have another wedding shoot, my niece's, in the Bay Area. Another wonderful poem by your mom!

Much Love!

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