Milk and Meat
By: Maxine
A baby’s distressed wail fills the night…“I’m hungry” is what is meant
For newborns WANT & NEED milk to keep them happy & content
Milk!! Nature’s perfect food, promoting growth & development…good health will represent
But then as time goes on, solid foods are introduced, much to their delight
Cereals & mashed vegetables to help a baby sleep through the night
Then finally MEAT as their digestive system develops, acquiring strength & might
Now, the bible states that as Christians, we move from “milk” to “meat” as we mature & grow
Remember!!, how verses like John 3:16, in our “infancy”, made our faces glow
That 1st realization that GOD LOVES US…the greatest love we’ll ever know
Beautiful psalms soothed our spirit, chased away fear, brought His presence near
As a parent quiets their child, we could feel His everlasting arms appear
Promises of one day knowing Heaven’s delights dried our foolish tears
Hungrily, we accepted verses of how OUR sins were forgiven…their debt fully paid
Clear understandable passages so that a strong unshakable foundation was laid
The MILK of the Word that growth requires…verses LEARNED & OBEYED
Like children who learn that parents are the ones who will fulfill their needs
Young Christians are eager to know all about Jesus & His miraculous deeds
How God the Father had a PLAN for man’s salvation & today it still proceeds
Theological studies of sanctification or predestination are difficult for these young to digest
But just as adults don’t live on milk alone, but must advance in their spiritual quest
The DEEPER MYSTERIES of His Word need to be explored in order to be fully blessed
We need to study prophecy…how it relates to what’s going on in our world today
What the message of Revelation is all about…what it really has to say
How the Old Testament prophets, a foundation for end-time knowledge would lay
How His true church will be “RAPTURED” while unbelievers will suffer tribulation instead
How God’s plan for the Jews will be fulfilled…EXACTLY as He said
That when they accept Him as Messiah, He’ll come for them in the wilderness where they’ve fled
Now, these are “meaty” matters for a mature Christian to comprehend
If they are to be a leader in Christ’s church, the truth of the Bible defend
BUT, even a milk-drinking novice has the simple Gospel message to send
Because you don’t have to discern all the deep mysteries yet
You can bring others to Christ just by telling them how Jesus paid their debt
Feed them with the MILK, give them a bible and let them get their feet wet
Once they see how wonderful our Savior is, their love for Him will be increased
Later, they will be able to grasp the truth of things such as Revelation’s Beast
For God’s Word is full of meat AND milk…a literal Spiritual feast
Because while we “chew” on the meat of prophecy, a glass of milk won’t hurt a thing
Both promote strong bones & wisdom to make our Spirit sing
And the “SWEET” story of Resurrection Morning….dessert to the banquet will bring
So are you hungry? The recipe for a fulfilled happy life is your desire?
Instruction, so a perfectly balanced diet you may acquire
Then continually “feed” on His nutritious Word…let it totally inspire
By: Maxine
A baby’s distressed wail fills the night…“I’m hungry” is what is meant
For newborns WANT & NEED milk to keep them happy & content
Milk!! Nature’s perfect food, promoting growth & development…good health will represent
But then as time goes on, solid foods are introduced, much to their delight
Cereals & mashed vegetables to help a baby sleep through the night
Then finally MEAT as their digestive system develops, acquiring strength & might
Now, the bible states that as Christians, we move from “milk” to “meat” as we mature & grow
Remember!!, how verses like John 3:16, in our “infancy”, made our faces glow
That 1st realization that GOD LOVES US…the greatest love we’ll ever know
Beautiful psalms soothed our spirit, chased away fear, brought His presence near
As a parent quiets their child, we could feel His everlasting arms appear
Promises of one day knowing Heaven’s delights dried our foolish tears
Hungrily, we accepted verses of how OUR sins were forgiven…their debt fully paid
Clear understandable passages so that a strong unshakable foundation was laid
The MILK of the Word that growth requires…verses LEARNED & OBEYED
Like children who learn that parents are the ones who will fulfill their needs
Young Christians are eager to know all about Jesus & His miraculous deeds
How God the Father had a PLAN for man’s salvation & today it still proceeds
Theological studies of sanctification or predestination are difficult for these young to digest
But just as adults don’t live on milk alone, but must advance in their spiritual quest
The DEEPER MYSTERIES of His Word need to be explored in order to be fully blessed
We need to study prophecy…how it relates to what’s going on in our world today
What the message of Revelation is all about…what it really has to say
How the Old Testament prophets, a foundation for end-time knowledge would lay
How His true church will be “RAPTURED” while unbelievers will suffer tribulation instead
How God’s plan for the Jews will be fulfilled…EXACTLY as He said
That when they accept Him as Messiah, He’ll come for them in the wilderness where they’ve fled
Now, these are “meaty” matters for a mature Christian to comprehend
If they are to be a leader in Christ’s church, the truth of the Bible defend
BUT, even a milk-drinking novice has the simple Gospel message to send
Because you don’t have to discern all the deep mysteries yet
You can bring others to Christ just by telling them how Jesus paid their debt
Feed them with the MILK, give them a bible and let them get their feet wet
Once they see how wonderful our Savior is, their love for Him will be increased
Later, they will be able to grasp the truth of things such as Revelation’s Beast
For God’s Word is full of meat AND milk…a literal Spiritual feast
Because while we “chew” on the meat of prophecy, a glass of milk won’t hurt a thing
Both promote strong bones & wisdom to make our Spirit sing
And the “SWEET” story of Resurrection Morning….dessert to the banquet will bring
So are you hungry? The recipe for a fulfilled happy life is your desire?
Instruction, so a perfectly balanced diet you may acquire
Then continually “feed” on His nutritious Word…let it totally inspire