Dear Stacy,
Have a GOD-tastic Birthday!!! ENJOY...From Judy, Steve and Beamer
Have a GOD-tastic Birthday!!! ENJOY...From Judy, Steve and Beamer
My mom Maxine's original poems and prose to PRAISE God and to help bring others to the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! Soon, and very Soon the Lord will call us who are saved to "Come up here" when His church will be Raptured. Personally, I can't wait!
This is the best birthday present ever. Thank you very much. Give lots of hugs to Steve and Beamer for me. And a big bear hug to you!
Love ya lots
Such talented and caring people all in one family.
I'm sure Stacy is pleased. Her son will probably just love both the treats.
But now Beamer has showed him how to make a pickle man. That is great.
Thanks for loving God's children, all of you. I know the Father is pleased with your work.
Love you,
My "lil hummers (computers)" will be leaving my home permanently Saturday and I am already having withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawing from the constant hum and having nothing but silence is really taking some getting used to.
I want you to know that you are loved greatly and your friendship means a lot to me. You have such a wonderful way of infusing joy and love that living just gets better with you. Please don't leave us, little one. We need you and you don't let the devil destroy your communicating that love. Joy that you have had a terrible price required but Jesus Christ paid it with his life. He gave you that Joy and it is yours forever. Fight for it with all of your being.
I am praying for you Judy, as I know you prayed for me too.
Love you in Christ,
Wilma, the round granny from Okie Land
I understand there was a kerfluffle on Joel's or somewhere. Truly you need to keep commenting and posting your mom's poetry. Please don't let one person spoil things for you. Keep on commenting at Joel's and elsewhere or at least wilma's. you are loved by wilma, me and marge. I'll bet kinderquilt too.
Praying for you
I missed whatever happened at Joel's, concerning your mom's poem. But whatever it was, I'm certain it was as Wilma said, and don't allow satan to steal your Joy. Because the Joy of the Lord is our strength.
I have also missed seeing you post.
How have you been? Please don't forget to post on Wilma's, okay?
I love you, and may God bless you in a very abundant way, as well!
Remember when you first started posting on Joel's and I said that to you? you got a chuckle, as I remember :) I hope you just got another chuckle, because I think you can use it, right, sis? I don't know what happened at Joel's, either, but I do know that the devil has infiltrated the ranks there. He hates the work that is going on there for the Lord and will do anything to stop it. Please, please, PLEASE don't stop posting there, especially your mom's poems. I echo Marge: Don't let the devil steal your joy! You are a dear, sweet lady and I miss your posts there. Will we see you back? I hope so :) jib was right...I do love you! PS...I'm a little slow on the stacy your sister? K