The Reporter
By: Maxine M.
Its basic journalism…the essential elements, every news story MUST contain
To establish the who, what, where, when and why, every reporter is trained
So it was these facts the reporter desired to obtain
For ‘The Times’ had sent him to Jerusalem to see what all the commotion was all about
People were in an up-roar…hosanna, hosanna to our King, they were heard to shout
Clothes and palm branches had been strewn along His intended route
But now, a week later, the mood had definitely taken a turn
The crowds were murmuring, the high priest’s face was stern
The one they had called “King” had been arrested, the reporter would learn
So it was at this point the reporter started his story’s quest
All happened at Passover time, “Just be rid of him!” religious leaders would suggest
“And if we could turn all people against him, that certainly would be best”
The reporter went to the High Priest’s house, where a so called “trial” was to take place
And there, for the first time, he beheld the prisoner, Jesus!! Face to face
He seemed so tired & weary, but carried himself with such style, serenity and grace
Going through the courtyard, Jesus stopped and gazed at a man with sad loving eyes
A big rough looking fellow, but when he turns away, there is heard agonizing cries
This could be a good “follow up” story, the reporter would surmise
The reporter follows as they take Jesus to Pilate…who sits in the Governor’s chair
Pilate asks, “What do you want me to do? “ “Crucify him! Crucify him!” the mob would declare
So Pilate allows him to be beaten until his back is bloody…stripped bare
A crown of cruel sharp thorns is placed on his regal head
No one steps forward for his defense, for all followers have fled
Taunts, ridicule and spitting were the order of the day instead
Now, when severely beaten, they expected him to bare his own cross to Calvary’s hill
But as he staggered under the load…this task, a bystander would fulfill
Crucifixion!! An awful sight…for a lifetime the reporter would remember it still
Iron spikes are driven into hands and feet, striking raw nerves…causing terrible pain
With a THUD! The cross is dropped into the hole so all can see this man slain
The reporter wonders…How can people WATCH this?! They must be insane!
Moving closer, he sees soldiers casting lots for his garments, gambling their day’s pay
He hears Jesus promise the dying thief…”You’ll be with me in Paradise THIS VERY DAY”
And there is concern for his mother…”Take care of her”, to his friend he’d say
The reporter couldn’t turn his eyes away. There’s such an aura of love amid this torturous strain
He listened, somehow expecting angels to break out in glorious refrain
It grew dark and ominous by mid-day…as his spirit began to wane
There is despair in Jesus’ voice when he asks “Father!!, why have You forsaken me?”
Who is he speaking to? the reporter wonders. Now let me see…
His accusers had said “he calls himself the SON of God”, could it possibly be?!
The mob is still mocking as he hangs there between heaven and earth, anticipation grew
The reporter hears “FORGIVE THEM, they know NOT what they do!”
Then Jesus cries “IT IS FINISHED”…someone shouts, the veil in the temple was just torn in two!
The reporter thinks, is this the story’s end?, as they take His lifeless body down
The crowd starts to leave…finally there’s no one else around
But the reporter is still in shock, just sits silent upon the ground
He knows the who, what, when & where, but how can he obtain the WHY?
All the accusations against this Jesus were certainly an outright lie
So, WHY hadn’t he defended himself? WHY would he so WILLINGLY die?
A good reporter must always be objective, but this he could no longer do
Jesus had said he was the Son of God…OBVIOUSLY this was true
The reporter’s life would NEVER be the same, this he firmly knew
Then only 3 days later, Jerusalem once again awoke to startling news
The TOMB WAS EMPTY!! HE HAS RISEN!! This statement left many dazed and confused
But, the reporter BELIEVED it, a faith was born…a faith he would never lose
And the WHY he’d been searching for, was now CRYSTAL CLEAR
For if Jesus had ONLY died, he’d be another “marter” for history to revere
But, to RISE AGAIN!!, would be to conquer death…with all it’s fear
The Father’s plan FORETOLD in Eden was now complete
In spite of all his efforts, Satan’s future would end in defeat
Doomed forever in Hell’s eternal fiery heat
And by the shedding of HIS Holy Blood…man COULD BE SAVED from his evil ways
So the awesome WHY in his story, would leave the reporter amazed
And THIS was the ONLY story he’d TELL the rest of his days
By: Maxine M.
Its basic journalism…the essential elements, every news story MUST contain
To establish the who, what, where, when and why, every reporter is trained
So it was these facts the reporter desired to obtain
For ‘The Times’ had sent him to Jerusalem to see what all the commotion was all about
People were in an up-roar…hosanna, hosanna to our King, they were heard to shout
Clothes and palm branches had been strewn along His intended route
But now, a week later, the mood had definitely taken a turn
The crowds were murmuring, the high priest’s face was stern
The one they had called “King” had been arrested, the reporter would learn
So it was at this point the reporter started his story’s quest
All happened at Passover time, “Just be rid of him!” religious leaders would suggest
“And if we could turn all people against him, that certainly would be best”
The reporter went to the High Priest’s house, where a so called “trial” was to take place
And there, for the first time, he beheld the prisoner, Jesus!! Face to face
He seemed so tired & weary, but carried himself with such style, serenity and grace
Going through the courtyard, Jesus stopped and gazed at a man with sad loving eyes
A big rough looking fellow, but when he turns away, there is heard agonizing cries
This could be a good “follow up” story, the reporter would surmise
The reporter follows as they take Jesus to Pilate…who sits in the Governor’s chair
Pilate asks, “What do you want me to do? “ “Crucify him! Crucify him!” the mob would declare
So Pilate allows him to be beaten until his back is bloody…stripped bare
A crown of cruel sharp thorns is placed on his regal head
No one steps forward for his defense, for all followers have fled
Taunts, ridicule and spitting were the order of the day instead
Now, when severely beaten, they expected him to bare his own cross to Calvary’s hill
But as he staggered under the load…this task, a bystander would fulfill
Crucifixion!! An awful sight…for a lifetime the reporter would remember it still
Iron spikes are driven into hands and feet, striking raw nerves…causing terrible pain
With a THUD! The cross is dropped into the hole so all can see this man slain
The reporter wonders…How can people WATCH this?! They must be insane!
Moving closer, he sees soldiers casting lots for his garments, gambling their day’s pay
He hears Jesus promise the dying thief…”You’ll be with me in Paradise THIS VERY DAY”
And there is concern for his mother…”Take care of her”, to his friend he’d say
The reporter couldn’t turn his eyes away. There’s such an aura of love amid this torturous strain
He listened, somehow expecting angels to break out in glorious refrain
It grew dark and ominous by mid-day…as his spirit began to wane
There is despair in Jesus’ voice when he asks “Father!!, why have You forsaken me?”
Who is he speaking to? the reporter wonders. Now let me see…
His accusers had said “he calls himself the SON of God”, could it possibly be?!
The mob is still mocking as he hangs there between heaven and earth, anticipation grew
The reporter hears “FORGIVE THEM, they know NOT what they do!”
Then Jesus cries “IT IS FINISHED”…someone shouts, the veil in the temple was just torn in two!
The reporter thinks, is this the story’s end?, as they take His lifeless body down
The crowd starts to leave…finally there’s no one else around
But the reporter is still in shock, just sits silent upon the ground
He knows the who, what, when & where, but how can he obtain the WHY?
All the accusations against this Jesus were certainly an outright lie
So, WHY hadn’t he defended himself? WHY would he so WILLINGLY die?
A good reporter must always be objective, but this he could no longer do
Jesus had said he was the Son of God…OBVIOUSLY this was true
The reporter’s life would NEVER be the same, this he firmly knew
Then only 3 days later, Jerusalem once again awoke to startling news
The TOMB WAS EMPTY!! HE HAS RISEN!! This statement left many dazed and confused
But, the reporter BELIEVED it, a faith was born…a faith he would never lose
And the WHY he’d been searching for, was now CRYSTAL CLEAR
For if Jesus had ONLY died, he’d be another “marter” for history to revere
But, to RISE AGAIN!!, would be to conquer death…with all it’s fear
The Father’s plan FORETOLD in Eden was now complete
In spite of all his efforts, Satan’s future would end in defeat
Doomed forever in Hell’s eternal fiery heat
And by the shedding of HIS Holy Blood…man COULD BE SAVED from his evil ways
So the awesome WHY in his story, would leave the reporter amazed
And THIS was the ONLY story he’d TELL the rest of his days
Another wonderful poem. Thanks!
I've come to limit my time on the computer, so I've missed hearing from you.
May God bless you, abundantly. And much love to you, and your talented Mom!