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Fight The Darkness
By: Maxine M

The city twinkled like a shimmering jewel, ablaze with lights all up and down the street
Colored neon lights, enticing & inviting..."OPEN" come in and eat
The darkness of night is repelled when dark and light meet

Now, Becky loved to gaze at the awesome scene from her window late at night
In school she had learned how current from powerful generators produced light
Lights of all shapes, sizes and brightness filling her with sheer delite

But one night, without warning, this brilliantly lit city suddenly went dark
Becky was frightened, but Mother was reassuring and quieted the dog when he began to bark
Not a light could be seen anywhere, except for a few joggers with flashlights in the park

Mother tried her flashlight, but the batteries obviously were dead
The spare bedroom had an oil lamp on the table by the bed
But the oil was somewhere in the attic or out in the wood shed

There'd be no finding it in the dark...Becky couldn't even find her sandles
Calmly, Mother feels her way to the kitchen and fumbling, finds the cabinet handle
Right inside and neatly placed, Mother finds dry matches and a tall slender candle

The match bursts into flame...there is light for just a short while
It only offers a quick flash, but long enough to see Mother's smile
And to light the candle. "Becky, your shoes are right here on the kitchen tile"

So they ate a simple supper by the candle's steady glow
Mother said, "This reminds me of something I learned long ago"
How Jesus said "We are the world and we should always let our light show"

The candle is only a "simple" source of light, a source many centuries old
It cannot light the entire city, but right's illumination we behold
In the corner wherever it shines, it's flame is enlightening & bold

So, we too Becky, need to reflect the light of Jesus' love for all man-kind
We each can bring light to combat the darkness we find
The penetrating darkness that lives in an unbeliever's heart & mind

Just like this simple candle that only needed a match to start it's flame
We only need the Holy Spirit's spark to do the same
And let the light of His love shine, to the promation of HIS Name

Shortly after supper, the power was restored and the city came to life again
The candle was put back in the drawer where it had been
"That was kind of fun, Mother" Becky said with a grin

Mother agreed but also said, "It's past time you were in bed"
From her window, Becky once more could see city lights...darkness had fled
She fell asleep with the tune, "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine" running through her head

Have we, also, comprehended the lesson Becky, that night, would learn?
That as Christians we have HIS light WITHIN US, have YOU let it burn?
A lessening of Satan's darkness, through you do other's discern?

By helpful generous deeds, a warm greeting, or a gracious smile
By encouraging the downhearted, going the extra mile
Maybe just stopping in the middle of a busy day...just to listen awhile

Like Mother's candle, we can only light the corners where we exist
But people, like moths, are attracted to light...a light that will persist
The light Almighty GOD created out of a dark primordial mist

For Jesus created ALL light, to bring mankind from darkness and find their way
That LIGHT shone It's BRIGHTEST on Resurrection Day
Now the redeemed can walk forever in that eternity with HIM to stay


mommyjen said…
Hey Judy !!! Didn't know if you checked in here but I left everyone a little good news at the shared sight Sue and the other gals have...could you let Child know for me ?? I hope all your Christmas preparations are going well and have been a joy and not a burden!!! Miss talkin' to everyone but want you to know I pray for you all and look forward to the big reunion that our Lord is preparing !!Stay well!! Love and hugs !!! -- jen

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