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Treasures Left Behind
By: Maxine M

I hurried to her room this morning with a funny story to share
But the room was dark, strangely silent, the bed empty and stripped bare
Sadly, I knew, never again would I see her there

Everything else was right where it had been the day before
On her nightstand, the diamond necklace she always wore
A long-ago gift from her husband, the young boy she’d come to adore

Beside it was a picture of the day they’d become man and wife
Promised to always be together, in spite of hardship or strife
The room was full of “things” she had worked hard for all her life

All the treasures she could bring to “the home” for her final year
The special things…the things she held MOST dear
The rest, given away…this generous thought brought her cheer

There were mementos of trips taken back in the years when she was young…
Days of being a happy care-free girl, a college degree over the bed was hung
And a book, half finished, by that author whose praises she often sung

Over there, an old antique clock…once HER mother’s prized possession
She’d told of family struggles to keep it through the Great Depression
Those days of “long hours, hard work, little pay” had been her confession

The walls contained pictures of “family”…some recent, some ancestors of the past
She had surrounded herself with quality…things that would last
There were awards of achievements, whose would they now be?...uncertainty was cast

Many of the things she had made herself…a stitched picture of the Shepherd and His flock
One of “Christ at the Hearts Door”…she told me of the day she had answered His knock
THAT should help soften the family’s grief and shock

As I turned to leave, feelings of joy and sadness combined
Sad that she had reached the number of days the Creator had assigned
But joy in that her life had been MORE than this collection of “things” left behind

For she also left behind MEMORIES from a life well spent
Of wisdom, sound advice, the “listening ear” when someone needed to “vent”
An example of faith, when the ravages of time and disease wouldn’t relent

Good deeds had been done behind closed doors, seen only by the Father above
Time, talent, treasure given out of a desire born out of love
Kindness, thoughtfulness, patience, humor…that so fit her like a well-worn glove

She left a legacy for others to follow on life’s NARROW road
She taught where to find strength & comfort, in carrying our burdensome load
How to be PREPARED!! For one day WE TOO will leave this earthly abode

A JOYOUS day for Christians…for that day our souls will sing
A line from an old song…NOTHING in my HANDS I bring
Rock of Ages…simply to Thy cross I cling

For the ONLY thing we can take when it comes our time & day
Is the CERTAINTY of the cross…that Jesus has prepared the way
So it’s URGENT to COME to Him, don’t put it off…DO NOT DELAY


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