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Showing posts from February, 2008
Home Sweet Home By: Maxine M. A drive in the country, the clean air should help me relax & clear my head The chaos of the week…mental cobwebs & frustration, this has led Lungs need to be rid of pollution, smog is heavy today the paper said OH great!!, the temperature gauge reads “HOT”, better stop at this old farmstead for awhile An old dilapidated house, ramshackle barn, no neighbors for at least a mile Once, a family had lived here for a faded sign said “Home Sweet Home”…that made me smile “Home”!!, a safe secure place to call one’s own…the American Dream From all over the world, ancestors had come in a migrating stream “Home”…the very word invokes memories, mostly from childhood it would seem For like his old house, my childhood home too had long ago been deserted But had once been a place where “family ties” had been asserted Home!!, where family “history”, customs & traditions, were unquestionably inserted T...
YES!! Lord, I Will Follow By: Maxine M. One by one the disciples heard Jesus calling… “Come follow me” They left their normal daily lives for one filled with hardships, to a certain degree But OH!! The marvelous & astonishing wonders and miracles they were privileged to see Simple ordinary people, but all had pliable spirits Jesus could mold Men with open minds & willing hearts…ones who could FOLLOW & become bold Bold & courageous to go out into the world…relay the message they were told As Christians, when we hear “Follow Me”, are we loyal and true Do we eagerly answer YES!! Lord, I will follow You! But are we “prepared” for the things He MAY ASK us to do Because His “Follow Me” is an INVITATION…not a harsh demand A CHOICE we make, on whose side will we stand Will we simply reach up and take His hand Fresh out of college, a business career in mind, but an inner-voice is saying MINISTRY instead Will you ignore the vo...
Be a Barnabas By: Maxine M It’s amazing!!, how God used New Testament people to accomplish His will Gave them characteristics & qualities we today can follow as examples still So let’s consider WHICH of these WE can emulate as “our role” we fulfill In your search, please consider Barnabas, called “Son of Encouragement” by his peers Encourager!! One who understands another’s heartache and tears Who can “walk beside” someone, help lessen their fears Encourage those who are devastated, those whom life has sent them reeling Pick someone up…help them stand…those whose spirit is in need of healing Our OWN troubles give us insight into what they are feeling For we’ve ALL had troubles enough…God has brought us through by His Grace That WE can encourage those running the very same race Strengthen them, show them there’s light at the tunnel’s end…if His will they embrace Everyone knows a child they can encourage to do their best…be all they can be To resist, turn away from all the world’s ug...