Be a Barnabas
By: Maxine M
It’s amazing!!, how God used New Testament people to accomplish His will
Gave them characteristics & qualities we today can follow as examples still
So let’s consider WHICH of these WE can emulate as “our role” we fulfill
In your search, please consider Barnabas, called “Son of Encouragement” by his peers
Encourager!! One who understands another’s heartache and tears
Who can “walk beside” someone, help lessen their fears
Encourage those who are devastated, those whom life has sent them reeling
Pick someone up…help them stand…those whose spirit is in need of healing
Our OWN troubles give us insight into what they are feeling
For we’ve ALL had troubles enough…God has brought us through by His Grace
That WE can encourage those running the very same race
Strengthen them, show them there’s light at the tunnel’s end…if His will they embrace
Everyone knows a child they can encourage to do their best…be all they can be
To resist, turn away from all the world’s ugliness they hear and see
Encouragement…the best gift you can give…and it’s entirely free
Ever been a “care-giver” for one whose mind is now clouded & gray?
Encouragement may be just a HUG, when there are no words to say
When “this too has passed”, THEY will be able to encourage OTHERS, another day
People in hospitals & nursing homes can use all the encouragement they can get
A visit, a smile, “I’ll pray for you”…and a light in their eyes is lit
Kindness and sincerity are never outdated, always a perfect fit
America has GREAT men & women overseas, sacrificing to help protect us
They’d love a letter, even from a stranger, things from “HOME” discuss
Praise and appreciation would give new inspiration…like Barnabas
Or maybe write a prisoner, help them endure prison’s dreadful ways
Give HOPE & assurance that life doesn’t have to be like THIS the rest of their days
That they CAN learn from life’s lessons…that THIS can be just a temporary phase
Death claims a friend, a member of our church or community…we express shock and grief
We offer words of encouragement, reaffirm our spiritual belief
But LATER, do we remember to STILL offer comfort & relief?
Do we say a kind word to that store clerk with such sad eyes
A gesture of friendship to sooth her inner-soul’s cries
Or visit a sick neighbor, help them understand life’s confusing whys
So you see, everyone NEEDS encouragement…everyone can GIVE it as well
Who knows how a “pat on the back” could make someone excel
And the best encouragement of all is The Gospel Story we can tell
The story of how Christ died for US, so the certainty of Salvation we CAN know
For what can lift spirits better than to COMPREHEND our sins are washed white as snow
To be assured we have a “Safe Harbor” in Jesus when winds of trouble blow
So I thank God for the example of an “encourager” Barnabas set long ago
That we too can offer REAL help…the Holy Spirit’s comfort bestow
May the Lord lead us ALL along the path designed for us & help us grow
By: Maxine M
It’s amazing!!, how God used New Testament people to accomplish His will
Gave them characteristics & qualities we today can follow as examples still
So let’s consider WHICH of these WE can emulate as “our role” we fulfill
In your search, please consider Barnabas, called “Son of Encouragement” by his peers
Encourager!! One who understands another’s heartache and tears
Who can “walk beside” someone, help lessen their fears
Encourage those who are devastated, those whom life has sent them reeling
Pick someone up…help them stand…those whose spirit is in need of healing
Our OWN troubles give us insight into what they are feeling
For we’ve ALL had troubles enough…God has brought us through by His Grace
That WE can encourage those running the very same race
Strengthen them, show them there’s light at the tunnel’s end…if His will they embrace
Everyone knows a child they can encourage to do their best…be all they can be
To resist, turn away from all the world’s ugliness they hear and see
Encouragement…the best gift you can give…and it’s entirely free
Ever been a “care-giver” for one whose mind is now clouded & gray?
Encouragement may be just a HUG, when there are no words to say
When “this too has passed”, THEY will be able to encourage OTHERS, another day
People in hospitals & nursing homes can use all the encouragement they can get
A visit, a smile, “I’ll pray for you”…and a light in their eyes is lit
Kindness and sincerity are never outdated, always a perfect fit
America has GREAT men & women overseas, sacrificing to help protect us
They’d love a letter, even from a stranger, things from “HOME” discuss
Praise and appreciation would give new inspiration…like Barnabas
Or maybe write a prisoner, help them endure prison’s dreadful ways
Give HOPE & assurance that life doesn’t have to be like THIS the rest of their days
That they CAN learn from life’s lessons…that THIS can be just a temporary phase
Death claims a friend, a member of our church or community…we express shock and grief
We offer words of encouragement, reaffirm our spiritual belief
But LATER, do we remember to STILL offer comfort & relief?
Do we say a kind word to that store clerk with such sad eyes
A gesture of friendship to sooth her inner-soul’s cries
Or visit a sick neighbor, help them understand life’s confusing whys
So you see, everyone NEEDS encouragement…everyone can GIVE it as well
Who knows how a “pat on the back” could make someone excel
And the best encouragement of all is The Gospel Story we can tell
The story of how Christ died for US, so the certainty of Salvation we CAN know
For what can lift spirits better than to COMPREHEND our sins are washed white as snow
To be assured we have a “Safe Harbor” in Jesus when winds of trouble blow
So I thank God for the example of an “encourager” Barnabas set long ago
That we too can offer REAL help…the Holy Spirit’s comfort bestow
May the Lord lead us ALL along the path designed for us & help us grow