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Is There Still Hope?
By: Maxine M.

As we search the headline news, we wonder WHAT does the future hold
Will America ever again be as great as we remember from of old?
Are there forces at work determining our fate…forces beyond our control?

Anxiously we wait, worry, wonder…what will be the election results this year
How can any candidate really change the future…RESTORE the America we all hold dear
The way of life our fathers enjoyed is now GONE it would appear

Will our nation stand with Israel? Or will they face the world alone?
Will we forget the promise of “CURSE” to those who Israel’s demise condone
So do we DARE withdraw our support…then OUR fate bemoan?

Are terrorists plotting more destruction…take us once again by surprise
To take down the “Great Satan” of the west is their ultimate prize
They HATE our freedoms while fearful of our Military power, might and size

Is America in danger of simply IMPLODING…basic “pillars” just crumble away
We fear nuclear war, but could it be complacency & apathy…a refusal, to our God, obey
Could this HUMBLE our nation…bring it to the brink of destruction one day

To say our economy is struggling is an understatement at best
Are we too preoccupied with WHO will win TONIGHT’S “reality” contest?
Morality is in a downward spiral…at monogamy they jest

Are schools truly EDUCATING our children? Equipping them to meet life’s demanding test?
Preparing them with confidence & maturity…ready to leave the family nest?
Have we forgotten the ELDERLY, who need & deserve those “Golden Years” of rest?

Time has swiftly changed the America our “seniors” knew in younger days
OUTRAGEOUS!! The price of bread, milk & eggs…just HOW HIGH can GAS be raised
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer…there’s authenticity in that old phrase

Even in some churches, the wonderful & all inclusive love of Christ has lost its appeal
The “Way of Salvation” is replaced by politics in many pulpits, I feel
To replace lukewarmness, TRUE REVIVAL is needed…with genuine zest & zeal

We are stressed as a nation from war, crime & of natural disasters every day we learn
Personally stressed by accidents, illness, money woes, failed relationships…emotions can wildly churn
So WHERE can we find HOPE when there’s trouble everywhere we turn?

Let’s start by examining anew the “foundations of faith” on which our country was founded
The basic principles with which “God Bless America” resounded
Hope LIVES in the promises of Christ…a hope in which our forefathers abounded

They trusted in the promise of God’s FAITHFULNESS…even when we are faithless, faulty & untrue
Blest is the nation whose God is LORD…this they wisely knew
And doesn’t God’s promise to love HIS children simply WARM the inside of you?!

And these promised are still relevant today, as when man was 1st created
Relevant for a nation or individual alike…hope comes from the cross HIS HOLY blood saturated
By believing God’s Holy word, a hopeless spirit can be re-inflated

Hope also comes through heartfelt prayer…DAILY time with the Father alone
Blessed Assurance & inner peace restored…a real national treasure we all can own
Abundant hope, even in these times, when our spirit can only groan

So there IS still hope that our nation, family unit, churches & schools can be restored once again
We CAN find hope that tomorrow will be better…a personal victory win
Take a lesson from history…learn from mistakes by looking back where we’ve been

And Thank GOD!! we can find hope by looking ahead in faith…not wavering in doubt
Because HOPE isn’t just what we wistfully wish would come about
But the ROCK SOLID CERTAINTY of Salvation…the HALLELUJAH we can shout!


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