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Sure Fire Cure!!
By: Maxine M.

Feeling poorly but don’t know what is really wrong with you?
Life has suddenly lost its “color”…everything seen in a grayish hue
Your spirit is cast down & disquieted within you, but WHY…you haven’t a clue

It’s not just the “down” from the stress & frustration of a bad day
But a lingering sadness that persistently wants to stay
Anguish of spirit, we desperately try to drive away

Somehow you’ve simply lost your way…confused about WHAT tomorrow will bring
WHERE & to WHAT can you successfully cling?
Does it feel like you are just a puppet on a slack string?

We find it so hard to function when in despair’s deadly grip
From the cup of despondence you continue to sip
Worry, complacency, self-doubt are stumbling blocks over which you trip

Apathy leaves you drained… “what’s the use” is what you feel inside
For this diagnosis, the terms “blahs” & “blues” are applied
And how many forms of remedies for these conditions have been tried

Like keeping BUSY & working hard… the value of entertainment & amusement are over-blown
Because in the middle of a fun-filled party, you can still feel alone
“Toys” and “Indulgences” don’t fill a soul’s inner longings, time has shown

And we’re left wondering, “What’s wrong with me?” That these emotions I bear
But great men in the Bible were also prone to despair
Our spirits can be lifted when our lives to their’s we compare

Elijah fled for his life, feeling alone & hiding in a cave
Joseph in prison went from favorite son to simple slave
Solomon said “life is like chasing the wind, regardless of how you behave”

“Why!! was I even born?” was Job’s pathetic cry
Jacob was in despair for years believing his eleven son’s lie
Jeremiah said “Woe is me, I find no rest…why, oh Lord, why?”

All are just an example of dismay that couldn’t be ignored
David too suffered when experiencing SEPERATION from his Lord
But wrote Psalms of praise when the relationship was restored

Because no matter how far he descended into depression’s pit
He would discover the Lord WAS there, if only he’d learn to submit
The cloud would lift when acknowledging God’s Greatness…even a little bit

So there is the CLUE to the “Sure Fire Cure” for the blues
Praise & Worship on our lips…this you can readily choose
Praise the ONE who is PRAISEWORTHY…what do you have to lose?

Call to mind those times of blessings enjoyed in the past
Believing and accepting the PROMISE of the wonderful future the Lord has forecast
With a Glorious eternity ahead, how can gloom & depression last?

How can a heart stay heavy when considering…My GOD, How GREAT Thou Art!
While reciting psalms or singing hymns…making melody to Him in your heart
A GUARANTEED, “Sure Fire Cure” to have those doldrums depart


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