There’s An Enemy In Our Nation
By: Maxine M.
There’s an enemy in our nation, silent and unseen
This enemy is a cruel, devoted, diabolical fiend
He invades our homes, walks our streets, appears on the political scene
He’s been around since time and has brought mighty nations to their knees
History records he attacks with stealth…as deadly as you please
With crafty & cunning promise of wealth, comfort and ease
A false sense of security & peace…this enemy’s special tools
Practically unnoticed, he took God’s name from our public schools
The UNBORN have NO rights!!...through his influence, the high courts sadly rules
Now years have passed and untold numbers have parished…we say we are appalled
But have we carried a picket sign in protest…our Senators, have we written or called?
Do we consider a candidate’s pro-life stance when new leaders are to be installed?
For MANY of our leaders are CORRUPT!!’s been proven beyond doubt
But in their powerful position, “PORK” for OUR state, they can bring about
So we look the other way instead of voting them OUT
“Assurances” of instant gratification, wealth, & fame he’s skillfully used
We don’t call sin a sin because “intolerance” will be accused
No wonder our children grow up bewildered & confused
He’s pushed for “same-gender” marriage…some accept it with applause
But are we AS vocal by speaking out to DEFEND our God’s laws
To destroy the basic family unit…this enemy’s ultimate cause
Our parents would have been SHOCKED at what passes for entertainment today
Language and subjects unfit for children are ALLOWED because of the sponsor’s “Big Pay”
But it’s all taken in stride, ignoring that decency had gone astray
Sunday, a day to “dress up”, attend the local worship hour
But the enemy WATERS DOWN the message…denies The Blood’s saving power
He delights to turn a church into a social club…with a “feel good” philosophy he will shower
We feel righteous indignation as we watch the evening news
SOMEONE should do SOMETHING!!...the response we most likely choose
Then we change the channel and our anger soon is soothed
The enemy whispers, “You can get involved LATER, now it’s time to relax and have fun”
So we go about our daily routine…NOTHING to change the problems have been done
And that’s all it takes for this enemy to have WON
He’s already planning a victory celebration…in anticipation, his eyes are lit with glee
Because his STRATEGY is on track, with “indifference” everywhere he can see
YES!! There’s an enemy in our nation and his name is APATHY
By: Maxine M.
There’s an enemy in our nation, silent and unseen
This enemy is a cruel, devoted, diabolical fiend
He invades our homes, walks our streets, appears on the political scene
He’s been around since time and has brought mighty nations to their knees
History records he attacks with stealth…as deadly as you please
With crafty & cunning promise of wealth, comfort and ease
A false sense of security & peace…this enemy’s special tools
Practically unnoticed, he took God’s name from our public schools
The UNBORN have NO rights!!...through his influence, the high courts sadly rules
Now years have passed and untold numbers have parished…we say we are appalled
But have we carried a picket sign in protest…our Senators, have we written or called?
Do we consider a candidate’s pro-life stance when new leaders are to be installed?
For MANY of our leaders are CORRUPT!!’s been proven beyond doubt
But in their powerful position, “PORK” for OUR state, they can bring about
So we look the other way instead of voting them OUT
“Assurances” of instant gratification, wealth, & fame he’s skillfully used
We don’t call sin a sin because “intolerance” will be accused
No wonder our children grow up bewildered & confused
He’s pushed for “same-gender” marriage…some accept it with applause
But are we AS vocal by speaking out to DEFEND our God’s laws
To destroy the basic family unit…this enemy’s ultimate cause
Our parents would have been SHOCKED at what passes for entertainment today
Language and subjects unfit for children are ALLOWED because of the sponsor’s “Big Pay”
But it’s all taken in stride, ignoring that decency had gone astray
Sunday, a day to “dress up”, attend the local worship hour
But the enemy WATERS DOWN the message…denies The Blood’s saving power
He delights to turn a church into a social club…with a “feel good” philosophy he will shower
We feel righteous indignation as we watch the evening news
SOMEONE should do SOMETHING!!...the response we most likely choose
Then we change the channel and our anger soon is soothed
The enemy whispers, “You can get involved LATER, now it’s time to relax and have fun”
So we go about our daily routine…NOTHING to change the problems have been done
And that’s all it takes for this enemy to have WON
He’s already planning a victory celebration…in anticipation, his eyes are lit with glee
Because his STRATEGY is on track, with “indifference” everywhere he can see
YES!! There’s an enemy in our nation and his name is APATHY
I thought I'd come and visit today. And I'm so glad that I did!
Your Mother's newest poem is right on the money! Everyone who reads it, should stop and consider where they stand, in today's political enviroment. And also where they stand with the Lord, amen?
Heb. 2:3 says, "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation...." Apathy and neglect are enemies we all need to escape, amen?
Thanks Judy, and to your Mother, for posting such great truth, and inspiration!
God's best to you, and yours,
There you are! I've missed you! How are you?!
You know I love your mom's poems!
Love to all three of you!