Accept God’s Gift of Grace
By: Maxine
Death lurks!! Waiting, perhaps on the highway or that busy intersection down town
It invades hospitals & operating rooms…a hopeless condition has been found
Pursues athletes on the playing field and in time of war death abounds
It stalks that nursing home resident whose days are winding down
Even that precious new born may just stop breathing when no one is around
With glee it attacks our body’s cells…the devastation will be profound
It awaits unsuspecting VICTIMS of crime or that inmate condemned to die
Their day of death has been determined and they KNOW exactly why
YES!! Death is waiting…for God declares “all have sinned”, this no one can deny
And the WAGES of sin is death!!...a sentence delivered at Adam’s fall
Death doesn’t respect who you are…rich or poor, age, race, gender, large or small
For God shows NO partiality…when He says ALL, He means ALL
So you see, this sentence by the Righteous Judge IS truly deserved
And the “days of life” He GRANTS are all by His MERCY…the # of our days He has reserved
For Mercy is the attribute of God by which we are maintained, kept and preserved
Because Mercy is His “holding back” our deserved punishment until a later date
Giving us opportunity to be RECONCILED to Him…before it’s just too late
An opportunity to ACCEPT His FREE GIFT OF GRACE, determining our fate
For it’s ONLY by this Gift of Grace that we CAN be saved…not by works lest we boast
We plead for mercy, but it’s His all-encompassing GRACE we need most
That sufficient Grace supplied by Father, Son & Holy Ghost
It’s Grace that changes an eternal death sentence to “life eternal”…the moment we believe
What greater gift could anyone ever hope to receive?
When accepted, all inner doubt, fear & stress can be relieved
Only God’s Grace can TAUNT death by asking “where is your sting?”
Now, death terrifies most but others know they soon will be under His wing
Even on a death bed, HIS praises HIS children still will sing
So do YOU see death coming in the near future?...remember, it can ALSO come as a surprise
Have you submitted, confessed, called out?…because Jesus hears ALL genuine repentant cries
And He’s already gone BEFORE you to the grave and since HE AROSE, we who are His will also one day arise
It’s just a question of WHERE our final destination stop will be
Will death for you be defeated? By Jesus’ death have you been set free?
Or will death open a door to a ghastly, gruesome future no soul ever wants to see
The choice is EVERY person’s personal choice to make
Foolishly reject Him or SINCERELY accept Him, knowing the Holy Spirit can spot a fake
YOU need to decide TODAY, Be READY!!...for your eternal soul’s sake!
By: Maxine
Death lurks!! Waiting, perhaps on the highway or that busy intersection down town
It invades hospitals & operating rooms…a hopeless condition has been found
Pursues athletes on the playing field and in time of war death abounds
It stalks that nursing home resident whose days are winding down
Even that precious new born may just stop breathing when no one is around
With glee it attacks our body’s cells…the devastation will be profound
It awaits unsuspecting VICTIMS of crime or that inmate condemned to die
Their day of death has been determined and they KNOW exactly why
YES!! Death is waiting…for God declares “all have sinned”, this no one can deny
And the WAGES of sin is death!!...a sentence delivered at Adam’s fall
Death doesn’t respect who you are…rich or poor, age, race, gender, large or small
For God shows NO partiality…when He says ALL, He means ALL
So you see, this sentence by the Righteous Judge IS truly deserved
And the “days of life” He GRANTS are all by His MERCY…the # of our days He has reserved
For Mercy is the attribute of God by which we are maintained, kept and preserved
Because Mercy is His “holding back” our deserved punishment until a later date
Giving us opportunity to be RECONCILED to Him…before it’s just too late
An opportunity to ACCEPT His FREE GIFT OF GRACE, determining our fate
For it’s ONLY by this Gift of Grace that we CAN be saved…not by works lest we boast
We plead for mercy, but it’s His all-encompassing GRACE we need most
That sufficient Grace supplied by Father, Son & Holy Ghost
It’s Grace that changes an eternal death sentence to “life eternal”…the moment we believe
What greater gift could anyone ever hope to receive?
When accepted, all inner doubt, fear & stress can be relieved
Only God’s Grace can TAUNT death by asking “where is your sting?”
Now, death terrifies most but others know they soon will be under His wing
Even on a death bed, HIS praises HIS children still will sing
So do YOU see death coming in the near future?...remember, it can ALSO come as a surprise
Have you submitted, confessed, called out?…because Jesus hears ALL genuine repentant cries
And He’s already gone BEFORE you to the grave and since HE AROSE, we who are His will also one day arise
It’s just a question of WHERE our final destination stop will be
Will death for you be defeated? By Jesus’ death have you been set free?
Or will death open a door to a ghastly, gruesome future no soul ever wants to see
The choice is EVERY person’s personal choice to make
Foolishly reject Him or SINCERELY accept Him, knowing the Holy Spirit can spot a fake
YOU need to decide TODAY, Be READY!!...for your eternal soul’s sake!