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Soon!! My Child, Soon
By: Maxine M.

The trip has been planned, the car is packed, a kennel is boarding the pet
The entire family is full of excitement; everything on Mother’s list has been met
Then only a few miles down the road, the question comes… “Are we there YET?”

Children don’t comprehend time & distance, but at questions they are the master crafter
We try to DISTRACT with games & stories and soon have them rolling in laughter
But inevitably they repeat the question every few miles there after

Morning dawns, all awaken early and already pleasant “smells” from the kitchen fill the air
Smells of the turkey roasting along with pumpkin pie & cinnamon rolls…all scrumptious fare
A hungry family gathers…Grandpa’s “taking charge” from his easy chair

Advising the little ones to SLOW DOWN!! Less noise I’d like you to make
Everyone is considering the delicious festive meal they soon will partake
Inquires arise “Isn’t it ready YET?” “How much longer will it take?”

Now Thanksgiving is over, the calendar page has been turned
“Secrets” soon will abound…what will DELIGHT must be learned
What is that “special” thing for which your loved one yearns

So there’s shopping to do, cookies to bake, and the tree is sure to amaze
Parents are HURRIED, but children with insistent voices raised…
Daily repeating the question “When will Christmas be here?” “How many more days?”

Now Christians too are anticipating a truly exciting wondrous event
For our Lord promised that in a MOMENT…in a “TWINKLING of an eye” is what He meant
All BELIEVERS would be “caught up” to Him in the air…from earth’s tribulation we’d be absent

Leaving those LEFT BEHIND fearfully asking “Where did they go?”
Millions of graves will be open & empty…HOW?! No one left will know
They’ll be ignorant of the “bowls of wrath” on earth the Lord is about to bestow

Unaware the unholy trinity will make life “HELL” for those still here
Or of how earthquakes, hail, famine & darkness will drive men insane with fear
They will TRY to hide in caves & long to die but to God’s plan, they’re made to adhere

The convicting Holy Spirit is GONE so FEW will repent of wicked deeds, envy or hate
They won’t understand that taking the mark of the Beast SEALS their fate
For once received, it’s only a burning eternal lake of fire they now await

But we who are destined to ESCAPE this “hour of trial” want it to happen RIGHT NOW
Wanting the Lord to change HIS timetable somehow
Like impatient children we ask “How much more wickedness will the Lord allow?”

“How long, oh Lord, how much longer?” “What has to happen?” “What’s the delay?”
“WHEN will Your word be fulfilled?” “Could it possibly be today?”
Or are their STILL others to whom a warning WE need to convey?

Isn’t there MANY more we need to convince of God’s saving Grace?
Instead we ponder…when will we be RAPTURED without a trace
When will we get to see that look of defeat on Satan’s face?

All these questions have been asked since Accession Day
For 2000 plus years Christians have been expecting Him to come back in this spectacular way
Restlessly we inquire, “What are all these “end times” signs trying to say?”

But like a patient parent, our Heavenly Father gently calms our anxious fears
Soon!! My, child, Soon…when EVERTHING is READY, the trumpet sound will dry your tears
PERSERVERE while waiting!! Each day is ONE DAY CLOSER to it’s sounding in your ears

Since HE promised, we know it’s an ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY…ALL promises He will keep
So there’s no need for doubt, misgivings or uncertainty into our minds creep
The question is will it happen in our “life time” or after we’ve fallen asleep

So keep listening, keep working, keep the faith whatever you do
Reach out & tell others…bring all the souls YOU CAN with you
Lay aside the hows, whys & whens…remember, patience is a Godly virtue


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