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FREE!! Available to All
By: Maxine M.

NOTHING catches our attention like a big sign that says “FREE”
A crowd will quickly gather…is that something I can use? Let me see
Because obtaining something “without cost” brings a feeling of glee

Free samples, free lessons, free tickets to the big game tonight
Free puppies, free kittens…these will bring a child such delight
The free beauty of a summer sunset…what an awesome sight

A gardener usually announces FREE zucchini by summer’s end
Mail order catalogues often promote FREE Shipping on the items they send
And it doesn’t COST anything to cheerfully greet strangers, neighbors or friend

There’s the free air we breathe, free advice for what that’s worth…you decide
Now, to some free things, CAUTION & SCRUTINY need to be applied
Like teaching children NEVER from strangers accept a free ride!

A promise of a free lunch is extended IF you sit and listen to a sales pitch
But be WARY of anything “FREE” that guarantees it will make you rich
Guard against the “FREE” bait in a dishonest scheme…life seldom goes without a hitch

Is this really free or is there a hidden attached string somewhere?
Check the bottom line, read the FINE print…of obscure motives, BEWARE!!
Free is only free when there’s no CONDITIONS we need to share

Stores and magazine racks are full of free literature…just take one & read
Can you spot GENUINE TRUTH? Or is the enemy planting his seed
Well let me tell you of the GREATEST FREE GIFT EVER! YES!! Free indeed

For the Gift of Salvation can NOT EVER be earned or bought
Because it was FULLY paid for by Christ’s Blood…as the Bible has always taught
And it’s accompanied by that inner-peace man has SO long sought

And it comes WITHOUT strings, secret agenda, concealed motives or hidden clause
It’s a ROCK SOLID CERTAIN FREE GIFT…not just desperately grasping at straws
A Gift offered by the Father out of His agape love for man…even with all his flaws

So NO bargain hunter ever found as a good a DEAL as this one
Eternal Life in Heaven, just by ACCEPTING this FREE Gift provided by His Son
Why would you turn down this proposal? Why wouldn’t you immediately run…

Run as quickly as you could to “cash in” on this deal…fall on your knees
For the offer is AVAILABLE to ALL…He hears all sincere repentant pleas
Lord, thank You for paying for my Salvation…Forgive my sins, please!!

The evidence has been examined, there’s only one CHOICE we conclude
And that is in accepting my Free Gift…it will change my FOCUS and attitude
And everything I do from this point on will reflect my praise and gratitude


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