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Showing posts from February, 2009
YES, WE Can!! By: Maxine M. During the last political campaign, “Yes, we can” was what we often heard the winner to say Inspiring many with hope & encouragement at the end of a strenuous day Promises were made that all troubles would be OVER…if you vote the right way But what about the WE in “Yes WE can”…WHO was he referring to? All the people of the nation…be it store clerks, doctor, teachers, or highway maintenance crew? OR was it WE as in “We the government ELITE”…for only WE know what’s best for you WE will decide what is done with all the tax money you pay And very soon, WE the government will decide when & where you work, live & play As “Big Brother”, WE watch your every move, guard the airways…rid them of what “RUSH” has to say WE interpret the constitution…what our forefathers really meant Perhaps WE even need to rewrite it…give it a more modern day socialist bent By a redistribution of the wealth fr...
Clenched Fist By: Maxine M. Have you ever tried to remove something from the tightly clenched fist of a child? RESISTANCE!! will occur even from one normally meek and mild We may offer a “distraction”, but they are LEARY of being beguiled The object may be detrimental to the child’s well-being and cause harm But so often the fist is clenched even tighter…screaming in alarm “MINE”, in a loud voice is declared…absent is their usual delightful charm But the child doesn’t understand CONSEQUENCES, so the wisdom of the adult must prevail The voice of responsibility must be 1st and foremost…whatever it will entail To keep the child SAFE…if left to their own will, both will fail Now, do we who are true children of the Heavenly Father also clench our fist? Our way IS the right way for US…isn’t that what we adamantly insist Tightly hold on to all those things on our “I WANT” list Vigorously defend a relationship…the one WE think would ma...
Perilous Times! By: Maxine M. In latter days “PERILOUS TIMES” will come…the warning given by Paul And over the centuries many believed that in their days they’d hear the trumpet’s call As wars and rumors of wars abounded & terrible natural disasters would befall Early church persecution, Roman domination…perilous times in so many ways Famine, disease, plagues all threatened extinction in our forefather’s days The shame of slavery, the “dirty thirties”, the Great Depression…the emotion of hopelessness conveys In each era, many must have considered “latter days” to be in full force How could life get even more perilous…but they were mistaken of course For life did continue on…strength and perseverance found in a Higher source But look around today!! Don’t we live in perilous times as well? Our borders MUST be daily guarded…ever vigilant against another terrorist cell The horrors of war, our brave young men & ...